Archive for November, 2006

Danger secures new funding

Thursday, November 30th, 2006

While not as exciting as a new device or something, we have heard that Danger has received some funding from Sharp. How much and what they plan to do with this money is anyone’s guess. But it’s just another sign that Danger is still hard at work.


T-Mobile Email Spam Cleaner

Tuesday, November 28th, 2006

Anyone that has an more than likely has received some spam (or else you’re very lucky). With the Sidekicks there is currently no support for filtering so most of the time it’s just a daily delete of spam. There weren’t many solutions to this problem currently other than “put up with it” or “tell T-Mobile to change your email address”. But now, thanks to Troy Phillips there is a new fix to the spam epidemic on the Sidekick.

Troy has written an application that basically logs into your TMail account and filters the email for you based on a few pre-set rules, a whitelist (email addresses to always accept from), and a blacklist (email addresses to reject). It won’t wipe anything out completely, it will just drop it in the Trash where you can periodically go in and check to see if anything accidentally got tagged as spam. It’s a bit of a hack, and might not be something for the “non-techie” Sidekick users, but at least it’s something while we wait for Danger to implement spam filtering.

More info and download at

Sidekick 3 Officially Launching in the UK

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

Up until today, we only had a rumor, but now there has been an official press release from T-Mobile UK confirming the launch of the Sidekick 3! Here’s the typical info from the press release:

Today T-Mobile announces the arrival of the Sidekick 3, the ultimate communication gadget and exclusive lifestyle accessory – making it even easier to stay in touch on-the-move.

Following the huge success, and popularity with high-profile celebrities, of the Sidekick II last year, T-Mobile is bringing the eagerly anticipated Sidekick 3 to the UK for people who are fully engaged in their social universe and who aren’t afraid of standing out from the crowd.

The Sidekick 3 is the latest handset to offer simple, open Internet access through T-Mobile’s web’n’walk service – enabling you to surf the internet in the same way as you could on your PC. With an intuitive and distinctive trackball, it makes navigating through the menu of the device or web browsing, effortless.

Staying in touch with friends or work mates has never been easier than with the Sidekick 3 – providing a one-stop-shop for organising your social calendar. With phone, email and instant messenger functions available at the touch of a button, the Sidekick 3 makes messaging quick and simple to use whilst on the move. The device has a full QWERTY keypad that makes typing faster and more accurate – perfect for staying in touch via text as well as by voice.

The Sidekick 3 also boasts a large colour screen, which is ideal for playing games, viewing photos or web-pages. The trademark Sidekick screen swivels open to be used like a mini laptop or used closed as a gaming device, phone or camera, depending on how you wish to use it.

For the first time, the Sidekick brand now offers a built-in MP3 player within the handset.

The built-in 1.3 mega-pixel digital camera is ideal for capturing and sharing special moments. Within seconds of taking a picture, each image is stored online in a back-up gallery, enabling you to send pictures to friends and loved ones or save them to your PC and print them.

On top of all this, the Sidekick 3 is the ideal personal assistant – with calendar, notes and ‘To Do’ list easily updated and always with you, helping you stay on top of your hectic schedule. The Sidekick 3 boasts an internal memory of 64MB Flash ROM and an external MiniSD card slot (with a 64MB Mini SD card included).

Phil Chapman, T-Mobile UK’s Marketing Director, said, “The Sidekick 3 is the ultimate communication device – for both social and entertainment aspects of people’s lives. This Sidekick brand has been hugely successful in the US and T-Mobile is delighted to be the first and only company to offer the Sidekick 3 in the UK.”

The Sidekick 3 will be available through T-Mobile retail stores and online at from December 2006, pricing will be dependent on price plan.

Colorware Now Coloring Sidekick 3s!

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

Custom colored Sidekick 3 from Colorware PC

For those looking to add a little bit of customization to their Sidekick 3 without having to buy a limited edition device or deal with the task of disassembling and spray painting their device there is now an option. Colorware, the company probably best known for giving Apple users a choice other than black and white, is now coloring Sidekick 3s. You’ll have a huge choice of colors that you can mix and match at your command. It’ll only cost you $99-$129 depending on your color choices, and you’ll have to send in your Sidekick 3 and wait about a week. Not only will you have new colors, but you’ll get some additional scratch protection and color that won’t fade. All the more reason to buy a Sidekick 3 and make it your own.

Thanks to everyone submitting this, sorry it didn’t go up earlier. We were in the process of moving to California to get closer to Danger headquarters. 😉

Handhelds Aided Gallaudet Protesters

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

The Sidekick as a protest tool? Student activists at the nation’s only university for the deaf and hearing impaired utilized handhelds, specifically Sidekicks, to organize a protest that led to the led to the ouster of incoming President Jane K. Fernandes. From the article:

After a sleepless night protesting at Gallaudet University, student government leader Christopher Corrigan was ready to crawl into a tent near a campus gate at 7:45 a.m. Then he felt the familiar buzz on his Sidekick wireless handheld computer.

Almost every Gallaudet student has a BlackBerry, Sidekick or other handheld. The students say the technology has brought them more equality and has opened up the world.

Read more..

Danger and Motorola, sitting in a tree?

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

Now we all know that Danger has always said they’re not a hardware vendor and that they’re more interested in selling their OS and service. However, the past 4 years there has only been ‘one’ device with multiple revisions, the hiptop/sidekick. Nothing too different, just the evolution of this one device. With a large amount of hiring going on, it looks like Danger is finally gearing up to take the Danger OS and backend onto new devices. With some close scrutinization of Danger’s website there are quite a few clues popping up that make us think something big is on the horizon. Take a look at some of the job postings on there. A few snippets from the current job openings that strike us as interesting:

Senior Software Engineer
* Integrate 2.5 and 3G wireless radio protocol stacks to Danger’s OS platform, especially L2 and L3.
* Write device drivers for new peripherals.

Software Engineer
* Configuration Engineering work for assisting in the launch of new wireless operators and/or upgrading existing partners, consisting of the following:
* HiptopSDE (Service Deliver Engine) customization.
* Web interface customization.

OS Engineer
As a member of the Firmware group, duties would involve bringing up Danger OS on new hardware. Tasks may include writing drivers for devices such as lcd, keyboard, timers, trackballs, etc. Other tasks may include working with communications stacks such as TCP/IP, telephony, Bluetooth, and USB. The position would involve working with other groups such as hardware, libraries, and applications.

That’s great and all, but what sort of devices you say? Check this out:

Motorola Ventures is now listed on Danger’s Investors page. Oh, and remember that roadmap from awhile back?

Yeah, that one. Motorola, Sidekick Razr… See where I’m going with this? So to sum it up:
– The Motorola link on the investors page
– Job postings mentioned above that specify new hardware
Job postings that mention video
– The roadmap being pretty darn accurate so far about devices

Do we have a Motorola device powered by Danger on its way?

By now, we bet everyone’s wondering what the image at the beginning of this post is of. Well, here’s a little kicker for all this. Dusting off the archives (before was even around) we’ve found some old patents that Danger filed for back in 2004. Could it be that these design ideas are still bouncing around the halls of Danger? Looks like it would fit in well with the RAZR line. Check these out: