“A Dangerous Future”

Uh, oh, this doesn’t sound so good for our beloved DangerOS. From an article on Brighthand.com:

…Microsoft recently acquired Danger, Inc. as a way to widen its appeal to consumers. Danger is the company behind the Sidekick — a line of smartphones popular for their ease of use. Myerson indicated that its expertise will be used to make future versions of Windows Mobile more appealing to the average user.

Terry Myerson recently took over as the head of the Microsoft Mobile Communications Product Group. Hopefully this doesn’t mean that the DangerOS will be scrapped and all work focused on Windows Mobile.

30 Responses to ““A Dangerous Future””

  1. bunny22 Says:

    I already figured that.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    R.I.P sidekick

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Beginning of the end…..

  4. photodude Says:

    well, time to go to the iphone…

  5. santana Says:

    I’m glad I left the sidekick for the G1…. sidekick is the past…G1 is the future

  6. DaVe Says:

    Dude you need a new job! Try the iphone or something. Lol

  7. MARiO! Says:

    i hate windows mobile!

  8. CRAVE Says:

    Good, fuck Danger OS. It’s hilarious how immature and locked down the OS is.

  9. dukethelady Says:

    I hate windows Mobile with a fiery passion! the reason i was drawn to the sidekick 9other than the great swivel screen) was the OS. it seems that everyone is out to get the sidekick (windows, tmobile) i guess i really do have to get the G1. i hate leaving the sidekick but ughh the thought of seeing windows mobile on a kick is just vomit inducing

  10. Ronado Says:

    they are going to destroy what a good company accomplished just so they can better their product. this seems like what microsoft did in the beginning. their a bunch of bulllies!!!!!!1

  11. Dzone Says:

    It needs updates and I think this is the only way to do it..
    Danger does not have the master mind behind anymore, he went off and develop the G1. So the only way to compeat head to head & develop this device by opening it up more, is to broaden its playing field by somehow consolidate the two, but keeping the easy use of the OS….
    I really think it will benefit the device more, its ability to catch up to technology and distribute world wide…
    If its done right! It will be one of the strongest devices along
    The Iphone,G1 and BB

  12. Dzone Says:

    It needs updates and I think this is the only way to do it..
    Danger does not have the master mind behind anymore, he went off and develop the G1. So the only way to compete head to head & develop this device by opening it up more, is to broaden its playing field by somehow consolidate the two, but keeping the easy use of the OS….
    I really think it will benefit the device more, its ability to catch up to technology and distribute world wide…
    If its done right! It will be one of the strongest devices along
    The Iphone,G1 and BB

  13. Antwan Says:

    I doubt this means the end for danger/the sidekick. bill gates being the smart man he his I doubt he would shut down danger realizing the amount of money that is in the sidekick. to me it just sounds like they are using the concept/design people in danger help with concept/design in microsoft. as well it was already shown danger is working on a new sidekick.

  14. Land Of The Trill Says:

    Guys relax the Danger OS isn’t changing if anything hopefully it will be redesigned with a better interface also this just means instead of a independant company thanks to Microsoft influence Danger will have more resources. Some believe that this merger got us video and the rest of the goodies in the update but the sidekick in ’09 should be promising but until I see some improvement its all about the G1.

  15. Ivan Says:

    If theyy discontinuee the Sidekick tmObile will lOSE likE 2/4 Off there Customers
    Cuase like madd teeens have the Sidekick butt then again there’s a G1

  16. diirtyboii Says:

    I think their gonna make 2 sidekicks like a high end model sidekick 4 with windows mobile and a lower end model with the danger os or they mite kinda combine windows mobile and danger os to make a powerful os lol but hopefully they come up with a good phone soon…

  17. justin Says:

    Thanks god im getting the blackberry 8900 when it comes out.

  18. Santi Says:

    “2/4 of their customers”

    thats also half for you math whizzes.

    And i doubt half of tmobile users have sidekicks, haha. too funny

  19. Raheem Says:

    You all knew that this was coming. Why else would Microsoft buy Danger?

  20. BBane Says:

    Ya’all are screaming Hail Mary before even giving Sidekick a chance for a newer smarter version that possibly could be a swivel touch screen. You never know? I love my Sidekick LX and I find it the best device for me because I am deaf and if offers IP-Relay and other communication applications.

    Sooo, patients my friends and lets see where Danger takes our beloved Sidekick.

  21. BBane Says:

    Yes I know it could possibly look like the G1 but I think Danger should keep Sidekick’s exterior design and just adding a touch screen that is a little bigger and well just use your imaginations! =P

    Beam me up Scotty!!

  22. Cracka Says:

    Are you people crazy? This could only mean good things for the sidekick brand.. We just got video for our sidekicks.. Prob because of microsoft though the video kinda sucks.

    Microsoft is actually rescuing our sidekicks. Were all rocking outdated phones compared to what’s available now. I mean look at the comments section on this site for the G1. How many sidekick owners just bounced to that phone.

    If anything Microsoft will boost the next sidekick up with the likes of the iphone and G1. I could see anything from a sidekick/zune phone or a sidekick/xbox line phone.. Or possibly a mix of all three. I personally can’t wait to see what they do.. And your also crazy if you think they would scrap the danger os. Lets face it the swivel screen and keyboard couldn’t keep these phones alive by itself.

  23. Cracka Says:

    Are you people crazy? This could only mean good things for the sidekick brand.. We just got video for our sidekicks.. Prob because of microsoft though the video kinda sucks.

    Microsoft is actually rescuing our sidekicks. Were all rocking outdated phones compared to what’s available now. I mean look at the comments section on this site for the G1. How many sidekick owners just bounced to that phone.

    If anything Microsoft will boost the next sidekick up with the likes of the iphone and G1. I could see anything from a sidekick/zune phone or a sidekick/xbox line phone.. Or possibly a mix of all three. I personally can’t wait to see what they do.. Wifi and 3g are obvious the top of the list. Your also crazy if you think they would scrap the danger os. Lets face it the swivel screen and keyboard couldn’t keep these phones alive by itself.

  24. Snoopy Says:

    Yo i think mircrosft might do good to the sidekick plan the bad

    Good= Wfi, 3G service and maybe 4 the first time you can be on aim and talk on the phone at the same time. Microsoft is actually rescuing our sidekicks. Were all rocking outdated phones compared to what’s available now. the features is not up 2 date

    Bad= Windows mobile and its slow apps

  25. Ezra Says:

    I have a G1 and an LX I think the sk should stay the way it is. Ppl on the G1 forums think that because its a new phone that it is ok for it to have bugs. NO its not ok its 2008 when you release a phone it should be somewhat close to perfect. I’ve been a sk user since the first BW one and I never till this day had a bug. I use my sk more than my G1. Its bugs free!

  26. Land Of The Trill Says:

    seriously Microsoft is not changing the sidekick OS that see the possibilities with the device and that’s it calm down and the G1 s great yes it has minor bugs no one said it was okay to have bugs because its new but what phone doesn’t when its release like I don’t know the iphone and I’m not a fanboy of any phone facts are facts that’s how I see it.

  27. Val Says:

    This could help the Sidekick BIG TIME. I see better WiFi, 3g and more in the future of Sidekicks.

  28. FEZ Says:

    WOW! NO! NO! NO!

    Sidekick is life.
    It’s better than anything.

    There isn’t a better phone.

  29. fuckmicrosoft Says:

    fu*k microsoft. they sure are good at fu*king things up.

  30. Jimbo Says:

    Yeah, right. The Sidekick LX2009 blows the G1 out of the water. The only downsides are that it has no Relay Downloads upon release because I’m told that since the LX2009 is a completely redesigned model with 5th version of Danger OS, the developer needs time to design the program and test that to make sure it works with the newer version before releasing. The other downside is the charging can heat up a battery a bit. I had that problem when I was using it in a hot day with traffic jam on the interstate. Combine all that, and the battery icon turned into a red thermostat icon. It can be fixed by soft reset and stay off the charger until the battery reaches 50%-60% capacity. I’ve been a owner of Sidekick 1, Sidekick II, Sidekick 3 and now a LX2009. Danger and T-Mobile has come a long way, so why should I worry about the Mocrosoft’s acquisition of Danger, Inc.? Microsoft wouldn’t kill it off. Either they’ll make it better or integrate it. It’s up to you consumers to voice your opinions on the future of Danger, Inc. I, myself think it should remain Danger, Inc. as the subsidary of Microsoft, nothing more.

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