Another Sidekick 2009 Picture

We’ve got another mock-up of the Sidekick 2009 sent in by a reader (who even watermarked for us!). If anyone thinks this thing isn’t confirmed by now, they aren’t paying attention. Now we’re just waiting for a photo of it in the wild.
February 14th, 2009 at 2:45 pm
February 14th, 2009 at 2:49 pm
Yo who know how to get upgrades 4 the lxany1 know get at me
February 14th, 2009 at 3:58 pm
I agree. Danger was not even making aprofit on thwir product even with the high prices the charged for their devices. Microsoft has a lot more capital, so they should be able to put more money into a better product as well as keeping the price down.
February 14th, 2009 at 4:10 pm
But thats bad for u cus putting tooo much on an electronic while ur usign the electronic and charging at the same time could casue harm to u or the electronic
February 14th, 2009 at 4:38 pm
ok so this phone looks nice and im def gonna be copping one…but for some reason this mock up don’t look much like the other ones…aside that this one is more animated than the others, it looks like in this version the material will be that plastic crap but the other ones show more of a metallic material…aside from that im glad danger and microsoft joined cause now they can provide more higher quality sidekicks….excitement begins now!
February 14th, 2009 at 5:31 pm
Okay — I love my LX — been using the SK since I abandoned the Blackberry the 3. I’m a 29 year-old business owner and it does everything I need it to. I can sync my Gmail up (to which all others forward to), use it for task management, alarm, it’s second to none where messaging is concerned and is a great overall phone. I text a ton, so it’s raised keys are perfect. I can almost type on it accurately without even looking at the thing. I have yet to jump ship for the G1 because I love it so much.
The Blade looks sleeker and even better than the LX — but here are my quips:
* Why isn’t this the SIDEKICK TOUCH??!?! All they’re doing is recycling the body and making the camera a tad better at 2.3mp (when there are phones that now have 5-8 megapixel cams). This should’ve been the SK Touch — not what I was expecting at all.
* The browsing experience has to be better. I’m a graphic designer, in front of my Mac most of the day — so I don’t use the browser features a ton, but I use them enough when I’m out of the office. The inclusion of GPS is a plus, though!
* The OS is antiquated — they need to update it significantly.
* Hopefully the speaker has the capacity to be louder.
Not much complaining — the SK is a messaging phone and always will be! The capacity for multimedia is there (did you know if you have a male/male aux cable, you can plug your SK into your car and, not only play MP3s off of it, but also talk through your stereo? dope…)
I haven’t jumped to the G1 because I hate the flush, lowered keypad — I can’t feel the keys (as great a phone as it is) — and though I’m an everything Mac type dude, I won’t head over to the iPhone because AT&T’s plans and service are both MAD suspect. I’ve been with T-Mo since they were Voicestream and have NEVER had an issue, on, with service. I had some bugs on my SK3, but got them taken care of easily through Customer Care.
The Blade looks dope and I’ll ride my LX until it drops in a few months. I just wish they’d hurry so I can get my hands on it and test it out before I upgrade.
February 14th, 2009 at 6:40 pm
Anonymous Says:
February 14th, 2009 at 4:10 pm [ Quote ]
But thats bad for u cus putting tooo much on an electronic while ur usign the electronic and charging at the same time could casue harm to u or the electronic
[Setnakt says]
This is inaccurate in both regards. All Sidekicks are well insulated, I’ve never heard of anyone ever getting any “harm” (shock I’m assumeing) from using one while charging. And they are specificly designed to be usable while charging~ALL SIDEKICKS! If they were not I would not be a SK user, mine is on the charger IN use almost all the time I’m home since I only get maybe 7 hours use on a charge. 7+4 (charge time)= 11, last I checked there isn’t an 11 hour day or a way to schedule use and charging around cycles of 11 into 24 hours (24 doesn’t divide by 11). So untell there is a FREEKING BETTER BATTERY(!!!) mine at least will HAVE to be used on the charger and usually over ½ the time! I don’t even go see a friend or go to work without bringing my charger otherwise I KNOW I’ll have a dead phone.
February 14th, 2009 at 11:22 pm
well my bad im jus saying
February 14th, 2009 at 11:27 pm
Think of the SK (all of them) like a mini-laptop and you got the idea. Runs and works as well and safely while on charger or not. It’s designed to stop charging at the correct time automaticly, no over-charge, no worries, and safe to both user and device. Also (as a side note) Sidekicks make the LOWEST EM (microwave radiation) of any cell phone made. That is except the Slide. All other Danger and Sharp models are hardly registrable. Of course Motorala phones make the MOST EM. Good thing no more Motorala SK’s
February 15th, 2009 at 11:12 am
put a touch screen and android on it and ill get it. i loved my dwade sk but its not busted up and the newer sks dont have anything too offer other than looks which i now dont care about. g1 is an alright phone but if there was a touch screen android sk we could have a winner
February 15th, 2009 at 11:28 am
whats teh point of a sidekick if it’s touch screen
February 15th, 2009 at 12:03 pm
Has t-mobile saidanythng about this phone?????? Some1 plez tell me dse any1 have any idea wen it might come out or how much it’ll cost cuz I’m already saving up 4 this phone but I knda want a ball park figure on how much it might cost?!?!?!?!? Some1 plz help
February 15th, 2009 at 3:47 pm
This phone looks hot!! I wonder if the screens bigger than the Lx. It sucks that you need a twitter aplication for youtube, etc. , but its looks really nice, Its thin and i hope the video is better than the Lx and 08 . It would be cool if it came in different colors like silver , black , and blue. I hope its built like the Lx , because than it would look like a very top of the notch fone.
February 15th, 2009 at 4:06 pm
all i kno is Tmobile said nothing.
February 15th, 2009 at 4:11 pm
A touchscreen sidekick with all of the features mentioned it is supposed to have and a larger screen would be wayy better than a g1. ..imo. A touch screen would allow users to use their sk w.o swiveling the screen which would be pretty cool. Also, sk’s data plan is cheaper. I have the sk prepaid plan. Do u think it would cost more to use youtube and gps wen it is added to the new sk??
February 16th, 2009 at 1:05 pm
This is ugly as sin, if that’s what the final product will look like, I think I’ll stick to my lx.
February 16th, 2009 at 1:50 pm
I cant wait till it comes out in April!
February 16th, 2009 at 2:09 pm
Hey felix, how do you know it comes out in april?
February 16th, 2009 at 3:30 pm
Anyone know if they’re returning to the Rubber Edges (like in the SK 2) ??
Slow as the SK2 is, it never falls from grasp because the rubber edging makes it so GRIPPY … the rare times it slips your grip, it just bounces on that rubber – thing is built like a tank anyways.
Contrast that to the SK3, which is a shatter-queen.
February 16th, 2009 at 3:36 pm
i totallyyy agreee nizzle.
nothing reallyy wows me about the new sidekick..
like oh finally 3G whatever
GPS>? i have a great gps system i dont need that
i rather have things lik the G1 has with all the free
applications and being able to put mp3s as a ringtone
and all that fun stuff. idk it looks rly nice and the new
resolution seems rly cool but idk i guess well have to
see when it finalllyy comes out haha
February 16th, 2009 at 4:24 pm
wen d0es this c0me 0ut ?
February 16th, 2009 at 4:40 pm
wtf haha i sure hope the screen isn’t really risen that high popping out of the device and such, seems to me like that could cause problems like the sidekick opening in your pocket maybe.
February 16th, 2009 at 6:07 pm
February 17th, 2009 at 9:30 am
SK were cool but its time to move on to better stuff. Check out and read about the Toshiba TGO1, HTC Diamond II and the HTC Pro 2 if you want a serious touch screen phones with all the bells and whistles. The teeny-boppers will eat this up when it drops. Does look better, even more so than my LX I had. I hope this can be upgraded to WinMo 6.5, that would be huge for a SK running this.
February 17th, 2009 at 1:50 pm
ALEX, I tried all 3 of those in the search and got a bunch of results for sites and stores that sell electronics (and also for weirdly), but NOTHING on those devices. Do you have a direct link to data on these devices, or just the site link which appears to not acknowledge they exist?!
February 17th, 2009 at 3:36 pm
its one of those features that is nice to have besides im pretty sure android needs a touchscreen and really flipping open a sk just to type an “ok” or “alright” is useless an onscreen keyboard would make that much easier
February 18th, 2009 at 2:44 pm
Man Fuck Tha G1 Fuck Tha G2 T-mobile Sidekicks Are Tha Best Phones T-Mobile Have….Aint No Phones Out There That Could Ever Compare To Tha Sidekick Keyboard, Aim, Yim, and Msn…For All That G1 Shit You Mine As Well Grab A Fucking Iphone…Get Wit It Or Get Lost.
-Bobby V
February 18th, 2009 at 3:34 pm
ha ok sks are pretty much done they cant step up to any phone in tech only in looks but thats all teens want so thats why everybody is all on the sk’s cock
February 18th, 2009 at 3:48 pm
All T-mobile Phones Are Tha Same Besides Tha Looks Of It…You Name A Difference And Let Me Know
-Bobby V
February 26th, 2009 at 7:52 pm
It will come out around april first. Go 2 dis sites.
March 12th, 2009 at 7:36 pm
i just came on myself lookinq at the features&the phone itself!
April 6th, 2009 at 3:30 pm
lantiz man dude ur a lame. SK is 4 folks n da know. All them other fones is SK followers, u knw SK was probly the 1st wit the big screen, querty key board data planns…etc. Everyboby else came out 2 shut SK down…so buzz of go play wit ur lil i(beatoff)phone and get a life. If teenie bobbers is the only SK market y r u here…duh
May 12th, 2009 at 7:26 pm
im sittin here wif mine like wondering if i can download flash player :/.
May 20th, 2009 at 11:18 am
°Omq.. damn tht fonee iss sexiee iCant wait too qet ma hands on it. it should bee in storee it said .May13.2OO9 wuts wiff da damn fakee info damnit. well im asuminq ihave to just wait untill comes out and iknoee about it foree suree 1OO% becausee WOW!! tht fonee iss a must have °5OO%° :°)
July 4th, 2009 at 9:28 pm
dat sidek!ck 09 look;;
nice as hell;;
im gald it cost 200;;
December 12th, 2009 at 5:01 pm
December 26th, 2009 at 8:25 am
I am in Australia, and still using the Pearl White Flip Screen HipTop2 from 2007 and paying $30 a mth. Which covers anything I want datawise, I just pay extra for phone calls. I am never going to re-contract cause the unlimited data is more important to me than a fancy new phone. This one does most things I need it to do, but the web browser could use some better java capabilities. The rubber keyboard is still in as new condition and I have used it heaps writing poems and emailing them to myself at home for backups. My idea for a new hiptop/sidekick would be something like a chrome ciggarette container that splits in half to open the led backlit lcd screen with 800×600 rez and full shockwave abilities. The bottom half is the keyboard. It would look sweet and be accident resistant too. Plastic is so 2007. 2010 is the year of Chrome. Demand Chrome for your next phone. Also because the screen is so thin, you could make the phone battery flatter and wider to sit behind the lcd and another one under the keyboard, making battery life under load at least 12 hrs. Even on this old hiptop I can do 12hrs on Patient Protection on it all night and it just starts bleeping at me after I get home. I don’t bring my chatger with me. And it’s nearly 3 years old now, and on since I got it, except for the occasional restart lol.
October 22nd, 2010 at 8:05 pm
Sidekicks Are The Best. iCant Wait Til iGet Mines In A Weeks.