Are you staying with the Sidekick?

It seems like a lot of the Sidekickers out there are being lured away from the Sidekick, while other die-hards are staying true to the Sidekick. I’d love to hear what you have decided.
[poll id=”5″]

99 Responses to “Are you staying with the Sidekick?”

  1. Captaindan Says:

    I wanted so bad to get a Sidekick LX09 back in May but was told I would have to pay full price and couldn’t get in on the pre sale. I had been drinking the koolaid since the Sidekick 2. When it was time to upgrade in August I called to get the 09 and Tmobile talked me out of buying it and into the My touch. I can’t stand the actual phone but the Android OS is pretty nice. I’m hoping one day that Sharp will make a SK like device that runs Android. I miss my SK so much! But I love all the things Android can do, and all the apps!

  2. K Says:

    Ill never leave sidekicks until Tmobile/Microsoft kills the device/service completely.I jus like the ease of use and of course the web browser.However if they make a new sk this yr,they better put effort in so its up to date with all the major phones today

  3. audrey Says:

    i bitched to tmobile because they promised those cards to us and they were like i dnt know when they will be delivered but since i bitched. I get a new phone for free. anyone i want

  4. DisKO Says:

    audrey on October 29, 2009 at 3:02 pm said:

    i bitched to tmobile because they promised those cards to us and they were like i dnt know when they will be delivered but since i bitched. I get a new phone for free. anyone i want

    Is your contract up or close? I still have 18(ish?) months left on mine. Just wondering if I might get that same deal or if you only got it cause your contract is up…

  5. tami77 Says:

    I’m a trooper I guess cuz I’m sticking with my sidekick phone. I’m keeping faith in that t-mobile and danger will figure out this whole mess and do the right thing for their valued customers. I’m sure just as much as their customers value their phones they too value their customers so they will do whatever it takes to keep them satisfied and content. It’s just good business and t-mobile is an established and prominent leader in it’s field and I’m sure they will make things alright again.

  6. Heath Says:

    DisKO on October 29, 2009 at 3:11 pm said:

    audrey on October 29, 2009 at 3:02 pm said:

    i bitched to tmobile because they promised those cards to us and they were like i dnt know when they will be delivered but since i bitched. I get a new phone for free. anyone i want

    Is your contract up or close? I still have 18(ish?) months left on mine. Just wondering if I might get that same deal or if you only got it cause your contract is up…

    I got a new one with my contract not being up and without contract extension, but it was REALLY hard and the rep girl had to stop and talk to her manager to see if it was even possible. Most likely, they’ll give you a new phone at upgrade price easily if you agree to extend your contract.

  7. Kara Harkins Says:

    I have had my kick for years (am still on the sidekick 2!) but this evening will go to the verizon store and touch what my partner calls my ‘drool toy’, the droid. I think everyone at work wants it to be out as fast as I do because I can not stop talking about it.

    Anyway, my partner uses the sidekick as well. I will let her have mine in case she ever breaks her’s, and meanwhile she can compare the two devices.

  8. jords Says:

    im waiting for the lx 09 to be release in australia hopefully, but seeing as they shelved the otehr hiptops and stopped selling them, i doubt it 🙁

  9. rey Says:

    Been with sidekicks since 02 and still will.
    There’s no other phone that suits my needs.

  10. SKuser Says:

    Like most on here I have been a long time SK user now, and have loved the HW and OS, but just like the previous post (not comment) on this blog, I too was very disappointed with the SKLX09 for it not living up to it’s previous models capabilities, one of my main complaints is why a 3G edition would have lower battery capacity than a non 3G device.

    For now I am living with the SKLX09 (which btw was replaces TWICE under warranty by Tmo after the outage, first the screen magnet was gone, then the replacement unit was “loosing” the LCD lens anyway the unit I have now seems ok less freezing too than my first SKLX09) for now, but also have an iPhone as 2nd phone with me at all times, that I just replaced from a 1st gen on Tmo to 3GS on AT&T, as much as I hate AT&T it’s the only way, and YES AT&T I’m tethering it against your will!

    Now I wouldn’t for anything go to any WM devices again, and it kind of seems like if anything comes out to replace the current SKs from Danger/TMo/MS it will be a WM powered device I am convinced. Now there’s a lot of talk lately about Android in various categories, while I wouldn’t mind that the G1 and alike appeals nothing to me, the G1 keyboard just isn’t a SK KB nor do I like the very odd un-symmetrical design of the G1.

    As mentioned WM I don’t love at all, I would however consider a slightly larger so called XP phone which runs full OS as it would open the door to doing just about anything on it, the SKLX09 battery time is as it is anyhow already.

    I’d like to ask from all the commenters & readers on here WHAT FEATURES of the Sidekicks is it that appeals to you I know what I love but I’d like to hear from others.


  11. SKuser Says:

    The XP Phone I mention is this:

    Hopefully this won’t be considered as spam as I am not in any way promoting that specific device, just saying if it worked decently I COULD consider it as an SK replacement, though I really wouldn’t call it that. Sharp makes great mobile devices and only Sharp could make a true SK replacement device.

  12. SKuser Says:

    SKuser on October 30, 2009 at 10:07 am said:

    The XP Phone I mention is this:

    Hopefully this won’t be considered as spam as I am not in any way promoting that specific device, just saying if it worked decently I COULD consider it as an SK replacement, though I really wouldn’t call it that. Sharp makes great mobile devices and only Sharp could make a true SK replacement device.

    More info/pics that appeals to me:

    I have the feeling this device really isn’t as ready for prime time as the pics and info wants to make it seem but I wouldn’t mind having more or less a Netbook in my pocket!


  13. SKuser Says:

    SKuser on October 30, 2009 at 10:07 am said:

    The XP Phone I mention is this:

    Hopefully this won’t be considered as spam as I am not in any way promoting that specific device, just saying if it worked decently I COULD consider it as an SK replacement, though I really wouldn’t call it that. Sharp makes great mobile devices and only Sharp could make a true SK replacement device.

    I have the feeling this device really isn’t as ready for prime time as the pics and info wants to make it seem but I wouldn’t mind having more or less a Netbook in my pocket!


  14. SKuser Says:

    I have the feeling this device really isn’t as ready for prime time as the pics and info wants to make it seem but I wouldn’t mind having more or less a Netbook in my pocket!


  15. DisKO Says:

    “Now I wouldn’t for anything go to any WM devices again, and it kind of seems like if anything comes out to replace the current SKs from Danger/TMo/MS it will be a WM powered device I am convinced.”

    I agree. After this debacle, I will never buy a windows mobile device… or anything else that is in any way affiliated with microsoft… except maybe a laptop if my current one breaks… haven’t decided on that yet.

    “WHAT FEATURES of the Sidekicks is it that appeals to you”

    When I got my 1st sidekick, it was like having a computer in my pocket… or as close as you could get at the time & for the best price/monthly service. My last two years of college I typed ALL of my reports/assignments on it. I could get on the internet anywhere when I didn’t even have an ISP in my house. I got all of my emails, texts, & aim instantly. My work/class/rehearsal/practice/social life calendar was all at my finger tips. I kept track of all of my homework. It basically ran my life. If something like this happened back then, it would have been catastrophic! Since then, I’ve just upgraded b/c it was so integrated into my life that it would be far too much trouble to try to move the years worth of notes, calendar entries, emails etc to a new phone. Also, in my experience with other phones, none had a browser nearly as good.

    Nowadays, I can’t live without my web browser, keyboard, notepad, calendar, push email & AIM. It seems, however, that there are lots of other phones that do the same things. Itz like if your house goes on fire or gets flooded or something, after you get over the devastation & deal with the fact that everything is gone, you can move on. Afterall, itz easier to move one suitcase than a house full of boxes…

  16. SKuser Says:


    OK I share most of your experiences and reasons for loving the SK, so what would you move on to if you had to??

  17. gerardo Says:

    when are u guys going to put the data and service back on because T mobile is losing customer a lot……………………….. i want a SK but with that problem emmm and but the way mad people are saying that the sidekick’s suck’s now because of that problem …….

  18. Rico Says:

    I like the sidekick and will most likely keep 1 until its officialy done.WM phones aren’t that bad,I had a i930 & MDA(Vario) a few yrs ago n I had no major problems(few bugs nuthin serious)


    Sad 2 say but the sk is on its death bed just watein 2 log off 4 good. Cus its takein 2 long way 2 long soon it will be 30 days since..this happen the clock is ticking……..

  20. Suhpreem Says:

    I really want a Droid.

  21. diSKo Says:

    At this point I DO feel that I have to move on. I’ve been obsessing too much over these issues. All month I’ve been constantly refreshing every tmobile/sidekick related site & researching different phones. I finally decided to go with the Cliq. I played with one in a few different stores and the keyboard feels nice. The web browser looks good though I’m sure it will take a lot of getting used to. I’m really excited about the social networking features and android market. With all I’ve read & seen it do first hand, it seems like a next generation Slide, like the direction I would have hoped SKs to take in the next year, except itz here now & I got it for the 2 year contract price… which is decent enough. I hope MicroSuck will give me my data back before the Cliq gets here so I can move it all over but I’m not holding my breath anymore. A month is FAR too long x5 squared. I just hope this Cliq lives up to my expectations and I don’t have to take my Sidekick off death row…

  22. well Says:

    I will replace sidekick lx to iphone or something else.. no lists on your vote. Sidekick LX and blackberry are okay but iphone and else is so much better than those two.

  23. stupid Says:

    DisKO on October 27, 2009 at 1:05 pm said:

    aaron on October 27, 2009 at 12:50 pm said:

    There should be a “i can’t afford a new phone so im stuck with the sidekick”

    Lol agreed! I checked the “got a Cliq” box but I haven’t yet. My mind is basically made up & I’m lusting after it though. Just waiting for the money…

    stupid comment that one because the sidekick cost the same if not more then other phones out there

  24. k Says:

    did anyone else with a sidekick lx 2007 get an ota too?

  25. SKuser Says:

    I just wanted to add that I just updated my 1st gen iPhone to a 3GS (yes on AT&T unfortunately as I wanted 3G) that I use as my 2nd device as a MID (Mobile Interenet Device) and PMP. Now one thing I must say the BT on the SK is very poor, I’ve used the A2DP a lot lately to listen to podcasts, but my SKLX09 would restart almost every time I disconnected the BT from it (this might have been my unit as such) and the range and quality was extremely poor. With my iP 3GS I now finally can use A2DP (listening to media) in a quality and decent range fashion.

    If it wasn’t for the fantastic keyboard, short cuts and button combinations and multitasking (as in multiple apps open, as we SKers know *ALL* apps are ALWAYS on at ALL times, something most other smartphone users are NOT accustomed to!) I don’t have too much good to say about the SKs anymore especially the SKLX09, it has multiple of times crossed my mind to “downgrade” to the SKLX07 just because I don’t need the 3G on the SK anymore since I have it on my new iP, the keys tend to be “longer lasting” on the ’07. Not to mention the larger battery of the SKLX07 together with the no 3G made it a better “all day device”. One thing that is a HUGE improvement on the SKLX09 is the camera though, that’s a very nice (better than the iP due to macro) setup now.

  26. Rey Says:

    Ok so I know this is off topic but I got an OTA UPDATE on my Sidekick LX 2007? What was that for?

  27. Mike Says:

    I wish i could terminate my contract. But sadly i cannot so i am stuck with a sidekick. Once my contract is up i am going to get a blackberry

  28. Mike Says:

    Rey on November 1, 2009 at 4:40 pm said:

    Ok so I know this is off topic but I got an OTA UPDATE on my Sidekick LX 2007? What was that for?

    ME 2 ^^

  29. serafin Says:

    Yah, I got a update as well for my sidekick lx 09 :O

    Any idea what’s the OTA update is for ?

  30. Anonymous Says:

    I g0t da dumbass update and Da fuckin update is gay on it says it d0es n0thing but help pr0tect y0ur fuckin inf0 wtf that’s shit is fuckin stupid

  31. Anonymous Says:

    I g0t da dumbass update f0r ma lx09 and Da fuckin update is gay on it says it d0es n0thing but help pr0tect y0ur fuckin inf0 wtf that’s shit is fuckin stupid

  32. kevin Says:

    fyi the update is to PROTECT YOUR CATALOG INFO and it isnt stupid should something like this happen again youll be glad you had the update

  33. Anonymous Says:

    i still dont have names on my texts still its bs

  34. Serafin Says:

    i havent even got my contacts back at all, and it says on

    to call t-mobile . . . so lame -___-

  35. stacie Says:

    They’re supposed to call when the new bold comes out..its not as expensive as sidekick w. 100% discount (200). And I just move to LA…I have no patience for the kick to get going again..wish best of luck for everyone who’s stuck.

  36. stacie Says:

    They’re supposed to call when the new bold comes out..its not as expensive as sidekick. bold w. 100% discount ($200). And I just move to LA…I have no patience for the kick to get going again..wish best of luck for everyone who’s stuck.

  37. Kara Harkins Says:

    Placed an order for a Droid … just a few more days. Bye T-Mobile, I am still using the sidekick 2 and had no intention of leaving, but you tried and succeeded in losing my business.

  38. hiswife* Says:

    smh @ t-mobile, danger, WHOEVER for letting all this happen. i already moved over to at&t , got my iPhone & has never been more pleased with a phone in my life. have no idea why i was so addicted to sidekicks now.. now they expect me to pay the cancellation fee. my credits screwed anyway, so now they are too ! GWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 🙂

  39. Taylor Says:

    i got a shiity ass mytouch becuz my stepmother thou i would like a freaking phone wit no fucking keypad!

    Sorry, just really pissed.
    But i love my sidekick and nothing will EVER compare to it 🙂

  40. tah480 Says:

    I’m sticking with the sidekick – I’ve been autotext king on here since the hiptop2 color
    So definately one reason I stick to it. Besides it’s my fave phone {•`.´•} I’m not walking the plank!

    ^ ? ^ ±ah48O
    \\_{?}_// ªU†O †?X† ?¡n?™

  41. gabby Says:

    i switched to nokia n97 before the outage. i just dont like what microsoft did to the sidekick. they ruined it

  42. Trevor Says:

    I am switching back to the sk after having the g1 for less than a year. nothing beats sk’s

  43. NYC Says:


  44. Mike Says:

    Blackberry 9700 is gonna be my next phone. I wrote a letter to tmobile asking to be let go of my contract.

  45. Kara Harkins Says:

    I changed my replacement plans at the last minute. Rather than a Droid I am getting a Samsung Moment. It is being processed and shipped so I should have it in a few days.

    Called T-Mobile last night to break up with them. They understood but they even insinuated that people would MAYBE get the gift certificates IF they stayed with them. Despite them earlier saying you would get it even if you left.

    I am so glad to be done with that company. I am still paying them 30/mo for my partner’s kick, but she is looking at other phones now.

  46. clark Says:

    Im getting ready to get my new free phone from Tmobile. Im going for the Dash Smartphone. Im getting ready to sell my Sidekick. It WAS good while it lasted.

  47. JimH Says:

    Actually, I’m using Blackberry but am switching back to Sidekick again. Do you like a cramped keyboard and clicking MORE..MORE..MORE to get an entire email? Then you’ll love the Blackberry. I miss having a real keyboard, entire emails, and all Sidekick has to offer.

  48. Nicholas Mele Says:

    I was obsessed with buying a sidekick. Now that i have the sidekick slide for a year, i have to say… idk what to do. the phone feels so old compared to other phones. i really hope the next sidekick wows me.

  49. Y0UR BOii J Says:

    im deff stickin around with sidekicks i recently just got my O9 and is workin well kinda looses services sometimes but i beeen havin sidekicks my whle life 😀

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