Updated: BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft to Acquire Danger, Inc

This JUST in! Microsoft, Inc has agreed to acquire Danger, Inc. Details on the Acquisition are not available, and Danger has not yet released a statement yet. (As of 9:53AM EST)

“Danger continues to provide an effortless and fun mobile experience for consumers,” said Henry R. Nothhaft, chairman and CEO of Danger Inc. “Now by combining our uncompromised application software and powerful back-end service with Microsoft, we can expand our innovative service offerings even further and take mobility to a new level.”

Stay tuned for more information as it comes in.

Source: Microsoft PressPass Mirror of PR Announcement

Update: 11:30am EST: The press release has been removed from Microsoft.com, and there is still no press release on Danger.com. More information as it comes in to us.
(Thanks, Moonrock for the update!)

We can only hope that Hank Nothhaft sobered up from a night of heavy drinking, and filed for an annulment from Steve Ballmer after he read the papers on the desk he signed.

8 Responses to “Updated: BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft to Acquire Danger, Inc”

  1. Aaron Says:

    Makes sense to me.

  2. Ryan Yo Says:

    Wow. Crazy. I wonder what the next round of Danger devices will look like. They might finally catch up to the rest of the mobile world.

  3. mariobattista Says:

    I hope the os stays the same it is so user friendley I would like 3g and wifi but I would not traed it for a def. Os

  4. mariobattista Says:

    I hope the os stay the same

  5. D_cell Says:

    The 44 billion Yahoo offer was a evil ruse to sneak in the purchase of danger without anyone noticing.

    Either that or someone just crossed the streams and now we’re all Fscked

  6. mariobattista Says:

    I called danger and they are not giveing any info they said that they no as much as we do bull I really hope they do not change this goooood phone

  7. mariobattista Says:

    I watch viedo on you tub witch made me feel beter micro. Is saying that they do not wount to make a phone they just would like to be hook up with the yunger people not so much corp. Hope this is ture if so it could be good thing?????

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