Crappy Sidekick LX OTA Videos

We’ve been sitting on these videos since they were posted to youtube, but we didn’t want to post them since the quality is pretty bad, and not many of the new features were shown off. But we’ve been getting tons of email about it, so enjoy what you can… I guess. Now stop emailing us about them. We will create our own high quality HD videos as soon as we have the OTA, and properly show off the new features.

The NEW sidekick LX video OTA update – ibarrr

Video Preview – ibarrr

Thanks to everyone who sent these in. (Now stop emailing us about them. Really!)

5 Responses to “Crappy Sidekick LX OTA Videos”

  1. SwollenThumbs Says:

    Talk about ingreatful jerks. If I didn’t visit this site like everyday I would boycot you punks. Don’t forget where your ends come from! That’s right you guys ain’t sqwat with me and the rest of us clicking those little ads.

  2. Someone Says:

    SwollenThumbs on June 19, 2008 at 12:33 pm said:

    Talk about ingreatful jerks. If I didn’t visit this site like everyday I would boycot you punks. Don’t forget where your ends come from! That’s right you guys ain’t sqwat with me and the rest of us clicking those little ads.

    Basically none of the new features were shown, so we didn’t want to post the videos as they were very incomplete and don’t fully depict the OTA for you. Had the videos shown more of the OTA and wasn’t just a “Oh hey, I’ve got the OTA and you don’t” style and were better quality (Hold the camera and or phone steady please.), we would have of course posted them without hesitation.

  3. yoo Says:

    Wow, you couldn’t even spell “grateful” correctly and it’s “UNGRATEFUL, not INGRATEFUL and you’re lecturing up about visiting a website? Jeez, get a life.
    Anyway, does anyone else notice the email icon is different, too? It’s the old icon before the OTA with the multiple email account tabs.

  4. Says:

    I got my update yesterday,it sucks.I was told I could watch youtube videos,and guess not anyway im goin back to that good ole instinct

  5. patrice Says:

    This phonewas such a waste of money! What a joke to add video & music if u can’t stream online (and the internet is no better than cheap virgin mobile phones). Ridiculous to be all excited about outdated features; should be embarassed!

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