Exchange Support for the Sidekick

Exchange support for the Sidekick LX 2009

T-Mobile announced earlier today that Exchange support for the Sidekick has finally arrived! It comes in the form of an application named Sidekick Sync, which you’ll need to grab from the Download Catalog. It’s not live yet, but when it is, it will have a recurring fee of $4.99/month and of course requires a data plan. It will support “real time push email, attachment viewing, full sync capabilities, full read and respond functionality and configurable sync schedules”. In addition to all the email handling it will also sync contacts and calendars from an Exchange server. Like some of the other new software features of the Sidekick LX 2009, this one was outsourced to another company, this Remoba was behind development of the Sidekick Sync app.

T-Mobile says that Exchange support was requested by a number of users and I’m sure this will please the handful of you out there that want to get your corporate email on your Sidekick, but how many of you guys out there are actually using a Sidekick for corporate work that requires an Exchange server? How many people actually know what Exchange is? 🙂

43 Responses to “Exchange Support for the Sidekick”

  1. DisKO Says:

    Not a clue…

  2. crazyforkicks Says:

    Holy frigging sh*t!

    I’m so pissed! 5 bucks a month. I have exchange for free on my ipod. I can’t believe u tmobile. They finally struck my last nerve. I currently have my corporate email forwarded to my tmail and I altered my identity to mimic my exchange email but never have been able to sync contacts and calender.
    I’m not paying 5 bucks a month. That’s bullshit. I can’t believe I locked my contract for 2 years, was denied my rebate and now 5 dollar a month exchange? Iphone=free
    Ipod = free
    Windows phone = free
    Google phone = free
    Sidekick = $60 per year plus tax.

    FU t-mobile!
    Damn u to hell.

    Next year the iphone will be on verizon and I may have to jump tmobile ship.. I’m rippppppped!

  3. Nicholas Says:

    I used to have a Sidekick (last one was an LX), but when I lost it I went with a Windows Mobile replacement. I agree with the bulk of what crazyforkicks is saying: $5/month is unnecessarily expensive to say the least, when I can connect to my Exchange servers free on my Windows Mobile phone and iPod touch.

  4. Andy, Inc. Says:

    I know what it is but don’t use it. T-Mobile/Danger/Microsoft need to get it together. iPhone has exchange AND weather for free. This month weather underground is free for the first month of use then $2.99 after and now exchanges for $4.99? If they wanna keep up with iPhone/G1/myTouch/windows they gotta rethink their price points. Myspace mobile is now free so I think eventually exchange will be too

  5. 718heightz Says:


  6. fuck this Says:

    really? i mean really? tmobile this is bull shit. i have it free on my ipod touch and 5 fuckin dollars for this only a crazy person would buy this shit? come on.

  7. crazyforkicks Says:

    Okay, I downloaded it this afternoon, and the IT department set up my corporate email.

    Here are the pros and cons.

    Cons: you are limited to 100 emails for an inbox.

    You cannot access subfolders (on my PC I have over 50 subfolders with filters setup for all of my accounts and projects)

    You cannot access global company contact list. (Pointless)

    it is not a true push email. (My corporate mail gets forwarded faster to tmail.)

    YOU CANNOT open attachments (CNET was wrong) Every day I receive PDF, EXCEL files. And I cannot open them.

    The exchange app is in applications and not in a seperate emal account under EMAIL ( duh!!!)

    Settings are in 3 different areas on the kick. 1. in the app, 2. in the jump menu and 3. In the master menu. (Dumb)

    Con costs $60 a year plus tax.

    Pros: Calendar is seperate from personal calendar. That is something that iphone/touch cannot does not do.

    Conclusion. I bet my left leg that people keep this app for 5 bucks a month.

    I gotta see if can get out of this contract.. I’m pissed.

  8. Jakir Says:

    Whoah $5.00 bucks a month for this? Not cool T-mobile. I’m starting to think they hate us Sidekick users due to the fact that we have so much restrictions on our phones and have to pay for almost every application.

    This would be cool if it was a one time fee of 5 bucks; but a recurring fee? no way!

    I just hope the Sidekick LX 09 gets like an OTA update or something; because it is getting really boring.

    Oh and i have a question, if anyone can answer it.

    -The battery cover for my Sidekick is like peeling off; Idk how but does anyone know where i can get another battery cover besides contacting t-mobile? because they say they don’t have it.

    Thanks in advance!

  9. Blex Says:

    This is free on my iPhone. Just when I thought I was going to switch back to a sidekick. I must be on crack…

  10. pLaTaNo p0w3r Says:

    Jakir on July 28, 2009 at 9:18 pm said:

    Whoah $5.00 bucks a month for this? Not cool T-mobile. I’m starting to think they hate us Sidekick users due to the fact that we have so much restrictions on our phones and have to pay for almost every application.

    This would be cool if it was a one time fee of 5 bucks; but a recurring fee? no way!

    I just hope the Sidekick LX 09 gets like an OTA update or something; because it is getting really boring.

    Oh and i have a question, if anyone can answer it.

    -The battery cover for my Sidekick is like peeling off; Idk how but does anyone know where i can get another battery cover besides contacting t-mobile? because they say they don’t have it.

    Thanks in advance!

    lol mine is peeling off too ! cheap paint it must be or somethingall around the edges,.i dont know where to get a new 1 though,.if i find out ill let you know

  11. anonymous Says:

    Jakir on July 28, 2009 at 9:18 pm said:

    Whoah $5.00 bucks a month for this? Not cool T-mobile. I’m starting to think they hate us Sidekick users due to the fact that we have so much restrictions on our phones and have to pay for almost every application.

    This would be cool if it was a one time fee of 5 bucks; but a recurring fee? no way!

    I just hope the Sidekick LX 09 gets like an OTA update or something; because it is getting really boring.

    Oh and i have a question, if anyone can answer it.

    -The battery cover for my Sidekick is like peeling off; Idk how but does anyone know where i can get another battery cover besides contacting t-mobile? because they say they don’t have it.

    Thanks in advance!

    pLaTaNo p0w3r on July 28, 2009 at 10:26 pm said:

    Jakir on July 28, 2009 at 9:18 pm said:

    Whoah $5.00 bucks a month for this? Not cool T-mobile. I’m starting to think they hate us Sidekick users due to the fact that we have so much restrictions on our phones and have to pay for almost every application.

    This would be cool if it was a one time fee of 5 bucks; but a recurring fee? no way!

    I just hope the Sidekick LX 09 gets like an OTA update or something; because it is getting really boring.

    Oh and i have a question, if anyone can answer it.

    -The battery cover for my Sidekick is like peeling off; Idk how but does anyone know where i can get another battery cover besides contacting t-mobile? because they say they don’t have it.

    Thanks in advance!

    lol mine is peeling off too ! cheap paint it must be or somethingall around the edges,.i dont know where to get a new 1 though,.if i find out ill let you know

    whaat the battery cover is peeling!??

    my buttons on my sk lx 09 is like starting to peel!!
    & i have a friend & theirs is too!

    that is so LAMEEE…
    my button never peeled on the sk 3 or 08!

    whos else buttons are peeling in some way?…

  12. anonymous Says:

    whaat the battery cover is peeling!??

    my buttons on my sk lx 09 is like starting to peel!!
    & i have a friend & theirs is too!

    that is so LAMEEE…
    my button never peeled on the sk 3 or 08!

    whos else buttons are peeling in some way?…

  13. BKJOE Says:

    Looking for a battery cover?

    So you telling me you guys never heard of eBay?


  14. crazyforkicks Says:

    Arghh.. I discarded the exchange app today. It truly sux.

    That is the main reason why I waited for the LX 2009.
    I need a GOOD exchange sync. And I am also bored with my LX 2009.

    I never use the Youtube cuz the quality sux.
    I don’t stream music cuz it kills my battery.
    No free games and additional apps.
    GPS does nothing for me.
    Directions don’t work

    I’m seriously considering jumping ship…

    The only thing holding me to the sidekick is:

    3 of the 5 phones on my family plan are held to a 2 year contract.
    I love the keyboard.
    I love the IM client
    I love the Push twitter.
    I love custom ringtones.
    I love the backup of contacts, calender, pics, and notes.

    I am using my touch more and more. I might as well just get the iphone 3GS.

  15. DisKO Says:

    BKJOE on July 29, 2009 at 6:27 am said:

    Looking for a battery cover?

    So you telling me you guys never heard of eBay?


    lol that’s what I was just thinking

  16. admin Says:

    Jakir on July 28, 2009 at 9:18 pm said:

    Whoah $5.00 bucks a month for this? Not cool T-mobile. I’m starting to think they hate us Sidekick users due to the fact that we have so much restrictions on our phones and have to pay for almost every application.

    This would be cool if it was a one time fee of 5 bucks; but a recurring fee? no way!

    I just hope the Sidekick LX 09 gets like an OTA update or something; because it is getting really boring.

    Oh and i have a question, if anyone can answer it.

    -The battery cover for my Sidekick is like peeling off; Idk how but does anyone know where i can get another battery cover besides contacting t-mobile? because they say they don’t have it.

    Thanks in advance! is a great place to find Sidekicks and parts. I’d just check there and see if anyone is selling either a broken sidekick with a good battery door, or just the battery door by itself.

  17. Brian Says:

    This is ridiculous. I don’t use exchange but if I did I wouldn’t pay $5 a month for it. I’m tired of all these stupid monthly charges for apps. Once my 2 year contract is up I think I’m going to go with a BB, or touch pro 2. I have to get something with a real keyboard because touch screens suck.

    I’ve been a sidekick user since the sk2 but i’m just sick of how our phones are always outdated by the time we get them and then we don’t get any good apps or games and when we do they want an arm and a leg for them every month.

  18. Jakir Says:

    BKJOE on July 29, 2009 at 6:27 am said:

    Looking for a battery cover?

    So you telling me you guys never heard of eBay?


    Lol well of course i checked Ebay before posting a comment here. Unfortunately, all they have are like those cheap plastic covers for the 09.

    =/ I need a better phone O_o

  19. Anonymous Says:

    admin on July 29, 2009 at 11:39 am said:

    Jakir on July 28, 2009 at 9:18 pm said:

    Whoah $5.00 bucks a month for this? Not cool T-mobile. I’m starting to think they hate us Sidekick users due to the fact that we have so much restrictions on our phones and have to pay for almost every application.

    This would be cool if it was a one time fee of 5 bucks; but a recurring fee? no way!

    I just hope the Sidekick LX 09 gets like an OTA update or something; because it is getting really boring.

    Oh and i have a question, if anyone can answer it.

    -The battery cover for my Sidekick is like peeling off; Idk how but does anyone know where i can get another battery cover besides contacting t-mobile? because they say they don’t have it.

    Thanks in advance! is a great place to find Sidekicks and parts. I’d just check there and see if anyone is selling either a broken sidekick with a good battery door, or just the battery door by itself.

    Hmm i tried this website; but when i click “Battery Door” the link is not responsive. But thanks for trying! 🙂

  20. Jakir Says:

    anonymous on July 29, 2009 at 1:22 am said:

    whaat the battery cover is peeling!??

    my buttons on my sk lx 09 is like starting to peel!!
    & i have a friend & theirs is too!

    that is so LAMEEE…
    my button never peeled on the sk 3 or 08!

    whos else buttons are peeling in some way?…

    Lmao come to think of it; now that im actually taking a closer look on my sidekick buttons i see some peeling off on like a button or two! =O haven’t noticed this. It’s a minor thing but whoah im surprised.

  21. Jakir Says:

    crazyforkicks on July 29, 2009 at 6:33 am said:

    Arghh.. I discarded the exchange app today. It truly sux.

    That is the main reason why I waited for the LX 2009.
    I need a GOOD exchange sync. And I am also bored with my LX 2009.

    I never use the Youtube cuz the quality sux.
    I don’t stream music cuz it kills my battery.
    No free games and additional apps.
    GPS does nothing for me.
    Directions don’t work

    I’m seriously considering jumping ship…

    The only thing holding me to the sidekick is:

    3 of the 5 phones on my family plan are held to a 2 year contract.
    I love the keyboard.
    I love the IM client
    I love the Push twitter.
    I love custom ringtones.
    I love the backup of contacts, calender, pics, and notes.

    I am using my touch more and more. I might as well just get the iphone 3GS.

    Lol i was about to buy the Exchange App also just to try it out; but then took a second look and said “nahh”.

  22. Jakir Says:

    admin on July 29, 2009 at 11:39 am said:

    Jakir on July 28, 2009 at 9:18 pm said:

    Whoah $5.00 bucks a month for this? Not cool T-mobile. I’m starting to think they hate us Sidekick users due to the fact that we have so much restrictions on our phones and have to pay for almost every application.

    This would be cool if it was a one time fee of 5 bucks; but a recurring fee? no way!

    I just hope the Sidekick LX 09 gets like an OTA update or something; because it is getting really boring.

    Oh and i have a question, if anyone can answer it.

    -The battery cover for my Sidekick is like peeling off; Idk how but does anyone know where i can get another battery cover besides contacting t-mobile? because they say they don’t have it.

    Thanks in advance! is a great place to find Sidekicks and parts. I’d just check there and see if anyone is selling either a broken sidekick with a good battery door, or just the battery door by itself.

    Hmm well i went to this website today and checked it out but like when i click the link that says “Battery Doors” for the 09; the link is not responsive. So im guessing they do not have it?. But thanks anyway. I appreciate it.

  23. LeftCoastBrigade Says:

    LX 09 SUCKS!!!

    Everyone who owns it should fockin return that chit back or something, this sorry ass phone FAILED horribly (and this is coming from a SK user since the first non color one).

    Im very disappointed, my keyboard was chipping BAD, and I’t wasnt even my fault (no, I DON’T type with my nails).

    The battery life SUCKS.

    The quality SUCKS.

    The browser still SUCKS.

    No threaded texting, so the texting still SUCKS.

    Sometimes it lags when you open it, and the bubbles move around for some odd ass reason.

    Sad to say, but THIS loyal SK customer is jumping ship over to the Android platform (Mytouch or G1).

  24. LeftCoastBrigade Says:


    If anyone is STILL interested in this phone, let me know.

    I had t-mobile send me a BRAND new one due to the sorry quality this crap is..I am selling it for 3 bills straight w/ everything.

  25. cAL Says:

    damn i want one so badly but all i want is unlimited txting…i cant afford tht extra $35
    and fu tmobile

  26. cAL Says:

    if only i could get unlimited txting w/o the web
    f’n $35 more
    id have the phone…fml and tmobile

  27. Jakir Says:

    LeftCoastBrigade on July 30, 2009 at 4:49 pm said:

    LX 09 SUCKS!!!

    Everyone who owns it should fockin return that chit back or something, this sorry ass phone FAILED horribly (and this is coming from a SK user since the first non color one).

    Im very disappointed, my keyboard was chipping BAD, and I’t wasnt even my fault (no, I DON’T type with my nails).

    The battery life SUCKS.

    The quality SUCKS.

    The browser still SUCKS.

    No threaded texting, so the texting still SUCKS.

    Sometimes it lags when you open it, and the bubbles move around for some odd ass reason.

    Sad to say, but THIS loyal SK customer is jumping ship over to the Android platform (Mytouch or G1).

    Lmaooo your comment is hilarious, and also a bit true. Well, what can we say? perhaps the sidekick that comes out in 2010 will fulfill our needs.

    Well today i bought a G1 from my friend and i popped in my sim card and all the features and functions were working; i had complete 3G data and everything was working fine; except for the fact that you cannot download apps from the android market because i do not have a G1 data. Well im just using this temporarily; I downloaded a few apps with my friends sim card that had the G1 data. Lol i got so bored of the sidekick and all of its apps; its not even worth buying the apps. So im currently just messing around with this G1. But its pretty cool that i can have a $20.00 data plan without having to get the $35.00 data plan and use this phone. 😀

  28. Moe Says:

    Thank god I left sorry ass sidekicks, My touch 3g Suuuuuuckas!

  29. santana Says:

    The sidekick is a dead brand. …..t-mobile only cares about android phones….some jump on board…

  30. marissa Says:

    anonymous on July 29, 2009 at 1:22 am said:

    whaat the battery cover is peeling!??

    my buttons on my sk lx 09 is like starting to peel!!
    & i have a friend & theirs is too!

    that is so LAMEEE…
    my button never peeled on the sk 3 or 08!

    whos else buttons are peeling in some way?…

    my buttons peel bad. my “o” button is worn down, it’s practically flat. i’m mad. and this phone is only two months old :/ never happened on my 08, or my orig. LX. only the 09

  31. LeftCoastBrigade Says:

    If you guys are having problems with the keyboard chipping or what not, follow these easy steps to get a NEW one sent to you:

    1.Call T-Mo and let them know your phone dies all of a sudden when your on a call, or that the phone lags or freezes while you use it.

    2.The rep. will then tell you “have you tried doing the hard reset?” (tell them yes)

    3.The rep. will then say, “try switching the battery with someone you know who was the same phone”

    4.Wait a couple of days, and let them know all of that crap they tried guiding you with didnt work and your phone still FAILS.

    5.They will send you a new replacement.

    and if this still doesnt work, I say you flush your phone and tell them you lost it.

  32. LeftCoastBrigade Says:

    Jakir on July 30, 2009 at 8:21 pm said:

    LeftCoastBrigade on July 30, 2009 at 4:49 pm said:

    LX 09 SUCKS!!!

    Everyone who owns it should fockin return that chit back or something, this sorry ass phone FAILED horribly (and this is coming from a SK user since the first non color one).

    Im very disappointed, my keyboard was chipping BAD, and I’t wasnt even my fault (no, I DON’T type with my nails).

    The battery life SUCKS.

    The quality SUCKS.

    The browser still SUCKS.

    No threaded texting, so the texting still SUCKS.

    Sometimes it lags when you open it, and the bubbles move around for some odd ass reason.

    Sad to say, but THIS loyal SK customer is jumping ship over to the Android platform (Mytouch or G1).

    Lmaooo your comment is hilarious, and also a bit true. Well, what can we say? perhaps the sidekick that comes out in 2010 will fulfill our needs.

    Well today i bought a G1 from my friend and i popped in my sim card and all the features and functions were working; i had complete 3G data and everything was working fine; except for the fact that you cannot download apps from the android market because i do not have a G1 data. Well im just using this temporarily; I downloaded a few apps with my friends sim card that had the G1 data. Lol i got so bored of the sidekick and all of its apps; its not even worth buying the apps. So im currently just messing around with this G1. But its pretty cool that i can have a $20.00 data plan without having to get the $35.00 data plan and use this phone. 😀

    a SK in 2010? If it’s on the WinMo platform, I will not bother looking into it at ALL.

  33. me Says:

    my keys do not chip or peel.

    my battery door isnt cracked or peeling either.

    has the feeling half of you will be on a G1 or iphone forum complaining about those phones in 3 months after you switch from the sidekick Lx 09.

  34. me Says:

    my keys do not chip or peel.

    my battery door isnt cracked or peeling either.

    has the feeling half of you will be on a G1 or iphone forum complaining about those phones in 3 months after you switch from the sidekick Lx 09.

    the sidekick Lx 09 save for the weak speaker, is a solid phone and i am quite happy with it.

  35. Jakir Says:

    LeftCoastBrigade on August 1, 2009 at 4:45 pm said:

    If you guys are having problems with the keyboard chipping or what not, follow these easy steps to get a NEW one sent to you:

    1.Call T-Mo and let them know your phone dies all of a sudden when your on a call, or that the phone lags or freezes while you use it.

    2.The rep. will then tell you “have you tried doing the hard reset?” (tell them yes)

    3.The rep. will then say, “try switching the battery with someone you know who was the same phone”

    4.Wait a couple of days, and let them know all of that crap they tried guiding you with didnt work and your phone still FAILS.

    5.They will send you a new replacement.

    and if this still doesnt work, I say you flush your phone and tell them you lost it.

    Rofl;; This will only work if you have insurance on your phone and a valid date of warranty. Only then will T-mobile replace it for you. But unfortunately for some of us, insurance is one thing we never thought of getting on a phone that seemed so flawless at first.

  36. crazyforkicks Says:

    Turn by turn GPS has just been released today for the Sidekick LX.

    As expected its 10 bucks a month. (Verizon charges the same thing)

  37. kevin Says:

    This has no bearing on this article but …………… Price drop on the LX09 on tmo to 174.00 !!!!!

  38. Jr Says:

    sidekicks suck…… they are deadddd…. get the iphone or my touch ya diiiiiig

    oh and the 09 lx is wack.. whoever the fuck designed it is a retard.. the 07 lx looked so much nicer then this wierd ass lookin piece of shit. it only has a nice screen..

  39. kevin Says:

    umm other than the apparent color change the form factor of the phone as well as the operating system havent changed any it still has the same features. oh and to the guy showing his ignorance above the only difference with the mytouch or iphone is touch screen… some of you werent around when the touch screen technology first came out in the 80s now touch screen is a dead technology and yall on a sk website dissing sidekicks u got some cojones my friend. ive used and played around with the iphone and honestly i dont see what appeal it has because other than touch screen it isnt that impressive to me. ever since i laid hands on a sidekick its been a fatal attraction for me only one other device holds my attention as much as a sidekick: Helio ocean 2. and thats only because it does everything as good as a sk lx 09. same data speed same email support, streams music , all its missing is a ota music store and it would be an ocean 2 up one side and down the other. yeah the iphone is a nice phone but honestly its a ipod with a anntena no difference except for form factor. plus people with iphones dont have insurance thru at&t its thru apple and if u drop it oh well taco bell you up shit creek without a paddle at least with sidekick your covered for a year plus if u sign up for device protection itll be covered for as long as u own said device. but to be honest some of yall some fanboys for real when the 08 came out u was riding its nuts and was like “oh im gettin the 08 its tight” as soon as the 09 came out yall was like “sidekick what year?” yeah it dont have all these bells and whistles like the iphone like pointless apps its a social networking device it does what its designed to do : keep u connected seamlessly and honestly yall dont give the device its props. i cant really say nothin about the g1 or my touch because all android is an alternative to danger it does the same thing dangers OS does just with googles usual seamlessness . I’m pretty sure ive offended a percentage of you people that would die for their phone choices but really it isnt that serious. I’m not a gambling man, but the next device from t-mobile after the mytouch youll be wasting more money on the next big device for instance im sure most of u know about the new htc device coming to t mobile its the touch pro i beleive im sure at least one of you will tout that device as the next big thing. honestly if my bill hadnt been sky high i would have kept my 08 but i got catalog happy but since im going back and will be on flexpay i can control my spending better so untill it gets broke ill more than likely get and keep my lx09 untill upgrade time. my fiances cousin got her 08 last year and has put it thru its paces to the point the trackball is piano black. if they were any more durable theyd be nextel lol

  40. itsNobi Says:

    Has anyone had any luck setting this up with google sync?

  41. Mikey Says:

    sidekick = FAILURE!!
    i’ve recently switched to a G1 and its so much better than the sidekick! and im soon to be getting the mytouch 3G.

    basically, t-mobile should be dissappointed for puttin a sorry ass phone like the new sidekick lx. its terrible

  42. T-M Says:

    i am going to get a t-mobile htc touch pro2 soon…goodbye ya’all!

  43. slidekick user Says:

    I don’t need exchange support even though I do use it at work.
    If work needs me to have it then WORK should be Paying for it, not I.

    I have noticed that the lx09 price has gone down for the upgrade. I might get one in a bit.
    All the stuff some complain about aren’t issues for me, I don’t care for touch screens and if I want good pictures and video then I use a REAL camera.

  44. justin Says:

    im getting the touch pro 2!!!! it has a touchscreen unlike the sidekick and has a really nice keyborad that better than the 09 so its like a iphone with a keyboard! all in one! fuck the sidekick they should have just stopped after the old lx and what was the point of makin the 08. i know people are going to say that its a replacement of the id but still waste of money for them when they could be makin a phone like the iphone g1 and mytouch all together. i cant wait until i get my new phone so i can throw this piece of shit away. the pain is pilling the screen sticks out of the phone just like the sidekick color we dont even have a youtube application!!! we have to go into the web browser go to yutube searcg our video and then wait for it……..then it start to play but the video doents even cover the entire screen like other phones. we cant delete ringtones… sidekick users still have to pay those reoccurring fees when i download all of that shit for free on my *IPOD* its really sad that my ipod can do way more stuff that a sidekick when there has been numerous sidekick made and after the 2nd sidekick we all started to state our problem. but this is like the 10th sidekick made and we still have all of the same problems. sidekick suck. my *FLIPPHONE* CAN DO MORE STUFF THAN A SIDEKICK. AND OLDER SIDEKICKS HAVE TO PAY FOR AND ALARM CLOCK????? WTF! UGH THIS IS REALLY BOTHERING ME! JUST LET ME LEAVE BEFORE I SMASH MY SIDEKICK.

  45. BBane Says:

    First of all I am not going to buy the Exchange because in the past Danger/T-Mobile offered a free sync program. I like my LX09 because I am deaf even though Microsoft/Danger/T-Mobile haven’t offered IP-Relay or i711 for the LX09 like they have in the past minus Microsoft who probably isn’t interested in complying with FCC Rules and Regulations.

    Second of all, I saw the video of the HTC Pro 2 at;txt and it looks nice but on the other hand seems slow and offer 3.2 mega pixel camera where as other phones are moving to 5.0 Mega pixels. I wouldn’t waist my money on it since I am a casual user and not a business person which the HTC Pro Touch 2 is made for. I am just gonna hang and see where Microsoft/Danger/T-Mobile go with the LX series.

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