Exclusive videos of the Sidekick 3 in action

We won’t waste words, here’s some videos of the Sidekick 3 in action:
MP3 VideoTrackball Video

26 Responses to “Exclusive videos of the Sidekick 3 in action”

  1. unclejonjon88 Says:

    sweet videos! i like the trackball it pretty badass

  2. n64ssb Says:

    cool, trackball looks awesome

    and FIRST btw

  3. kickin.it Says:

    links aren’t workin for me 🙁

  4. kickin.it Says:

    mp3 link works. its cool that you can work the music player while doing other things at the same time

  5. pants1610 Says:

    quicktime isn’t working on my comp, is there anyway i can see these videos in window media player?

  6. ohshhitscarl Says:

    yes trackball looks cool and speaker sounds loud enough 🙂 great!

    and thanks n64, i sure ashell didn’t notice that you were first. thanks for letting us all know. i dont think i could have gone to sleep at night NOT KNOWING WHO WAS THE FIRST COMMENT ON THIS POST. i can rest assured now.

    i want more videos/pics of the gui 🙂

  7. Phate Says:

    Nice videos, I must admit. 😀

    Relative links, perhaps? They don’t work from the archive.

  8. Sidekickchik Says:


  9. zman Says:

    In the manual, it shows something about paying $2 dollars a month about using the calculator. Is that true? And is that how every application is?

  10. Strobin Says:

    Hey I was first but my comment got deleted LOL . . . . Anyways cool vids can’t wait to get mine.

  11. ohshhitscarl Says:

    i seriously seriously seriously doubt it. i think they just used that as an example to show you how the different icons look like and what they mean. it looks like to me that ALL of the icons are represented on that catalog pic with the calculator on it.

    Strobin. I was third. I dono how all these people’s comments got before mine.

  12. orlandoxx69 Says:

    i cant ccccccc itttttt dats just sad :'(:(

  13. orlandoxx69 Says:

    i can hear da musik dat is it but cant c anything plezz i wanna c it

  14. ohshhitscarl Says:

    orlando, you just got back and youre being fuckingannoying. go download the latest Quicktime and shut up about it already. damn.

  15. Strobin Says:

    lol @ Ohshhitscarl. Yeah you’re missing out hehe

  16. smubound Says:

    it looks like my bad attitude for the day has rubbed off on someone else 😉

    I told you guys that people are just morons but no one believed me…lol…

    This time, really…goodnight…

  17. ohshhitscarl Says:

    lol @ smubound. sorry!
    i just hate to see people mutilate the english language, and be so damn ignorant on top of that. i bet orlando doesn’t even know what the hell Quicktime is. and if that’s the case, he doesn’t deserve to watch the videos, nor own an SK3, IMHO.

    good night everyone!

  18. murdermittenmatt Says:

    agrees furiously

  19. superdj1 Says:

    HOLY SHIT IT SAIS RECORD RINGTONES!!! WOOHOO… and that guy has like 100 wingtones were it sais imported, which means we might be able to but real music as our FREE ringtones, that dont suck…

  20. orlandoxx69 Says:

    ohshhitscarl on June 22, 2006 at 12:16 am said:

    lol @ smubound. sorry!
    i just hate to see people mutilate the english language, and be so damn ignorant on top of that. i bet orlando doesn’t even know what the hell Quicktime is. and if that’s the case, he doesn’t deserve to watch the videos, nor own an SK3, IMHO.

    good night everyone!


  21. orlandoxx69 Says:

    and ohsshits carl of course i know wat quicktime is i aint dumb ok u jak@ss ok u ret@rded beast and if u knwo wat a bicho is put it up ur @ss and ayways i was raised in the usa just born in puerto rico that is it i hate u ur on my hate list but hey i do deserve a sidekick3 know y i have 1 yey

  22. n64ssb Says:

    glad i helped you get to sleep carl.

    Calculator: looks to me like that was just an example, considering that below that picture they show another example with the calculator saying its free.

    Recording Ringtones: $50 bucks says that wont be allowed in the T-Mobile version of the hiptop 3. Simply b/c that would make them lose profits from their download catalog. However, i do think this sucks, cuz i would love to put my MP3s as ringtones.

    and i cant wait for this phone! Countdown: 4 days 9 hours 38 minutes

  23. InkDrinker Says:

    Wow truly amazing device… Just to finally clear this up there will be MMS for sure right? Anyone play CS: source?

  24. smubound Says:

    Yes, mms for sure…

    Orlando, are you a fuckingretard? Learn how to talk you jack@$$ and then start posting on this board. Its getting to the point where your idiotic childish ways are really pissingme off. And I really don’t give a damn that you already have an sk3, do you think that impresses us? Because it really doesn’t. And I truely doubt that you have an sk3 because I just think that you’re a child that’s trying to get attention because he doesn’t get it anywhere else…my guess is, is that you’re hated in school and at home so you’re trying to compensate for your mommys and daddys disdain for you…

    So shut the f up!!

  25. Strobin Says:

    Definite childish behavior geeeez. Anyways love that its going to have MMS. I’m going out before I get pissed off too. LOL

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