Famous Stars and Straps Sidekick LX Limited Edition?

Looking for info on famous sidekicks, as in people and animals?
Famous Stars and Straps Sidekick LX
Famous Stars and Straps Sidekick LXFamous Stars and Straps Sidekick LXFamous Stars and Straps Sidekick LX

We’ve had a number of people write in to point out what looks like a Limited Edition Famous Stars and Straps Sidekick LX on the Famous website. It turns out that unfortunately this isn’t a limited edition that we’ll see being sold in stores. It was a special batch of devices just for Travis Barker, a long time Sidekick user, and crew. I know I know, based on the number of Famous Stars and Straps themes that have been uploaded, I bet a lot of you would be waiting in line to buy this device if you could. In the meantime you’ll just have to make your own with Colorware or a can of spray paint.

7 Responses to “Famous Stars and Straps Sidekick LX Limited Edition?”

  1. iamjessica Says:

    this phone is unbelieveable.
    it beats the tony hawk one.

  2. kenesays Says:

    Its okay? I don’t know about unbelieveable. All you have to do is put the red lens frame on your current phone and slap a famous skin on the screen.

    I bet he has the update though! Bastards. I know about 20 sidekick users.. That I see on the daily and not one person has yet to get the damn thing.

  3. hi im Says:

    I would want that if the orange or red color was some other color.
    If they ever made a real/official Famous Stars and Straps LE, I’d get it even iF the color scheme is ugly.

  4. Anonymous Says:


  5. steve0r0xxxx Says:

    ths fone roxxx…………….2 bad they dont sell it, looks actually like a real imited edition with the back and everything lol

  6. Kbrizz Says:

    Im lovin’ it….want one!


    i like it this Sidekick lx colors different it.. i wish get this Sidekcik lx!! make winking!!

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