Mlee of Hiptop Nation fame sent us the following drool-worthy photos of the Sidekick 3.

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on Wednesday, June 28th, 2006 at 8:52 pm and is filed under Pictures, Sidekick III.
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June 29th, 2006 at 4:06 pm
Mine gets here July 3rd. I cant wait. What size media card are they coming with? Its crazy how I been coming to this site for months and finnally, the sidekick3 is almost here for me……..holla at ya when my sidekick comes in…
June 29th, 2006 at 6:15 pm
I just got mine today and i tried to uplaod files and my computer was having a hard time reading the device. it sayed that it did. then it wouldnt readin it.. i thought it was the computer but it is brand new with the newest edition of windows. ur suppose to beable to just copy and paste the files into the port.soo i dont know..
June 29th, 2006 at 6:31 pm
welll it MUST be my computer or the cable they give you cause i tried it on my girlsfriends computer and a different cable(for her digital camera) and it worked fine. 1. plug in USB 2. open port 3. Open “music” folder(if its not there make one 4. click and drag your MP3 file over to the folder and drop it in. as simple as that. then just unplug and its all there.
June 29th, 2006 at 6:42 pm
for those that have their phones… are there any new applications/programs in the vault? is there any kind of program to cut down mp3s to make ringers with? I can see tmobile charging like 5.99 for that. hopefully I get mine tomorrow.
June 29th, 2006 at 8:22 pm
i want to know if they charge you fee for each time someone contract you or just an one-time fee?
June 29th, 2006 at 8:30 pm
I meant for ringtones. I want to know how much they charge? Also, if I get it, will they charge me a nominal fee for everytime i get contacted or just a one-time fee for using it?
June 30th, 2006 at 12:06 am
I’m getting my phone tomarrow due to missorting errors, that sucks, so I need to go home(I’m staying at ma tias cuz ma mom out of town) and wait, if they take for ever I mite miss football practice because of it!
June 30th, 2006 at 3:42 pm
I have had no problems loading my music or pics off my computer or the only thing is that I had to convert some of my songs into MP3s and iTunes did that with no problem.
June 30th, 2006 at 4:02 pm
Loading songs was extremely easy, you just plug in the device open it, open the Music folder, and drop songs in and your done.
June 30th, 2006 at 8:03 pm
My phone says that it is waiting for activation and it has been around an hour. Am starting to get worried. Is this hapenning to anyone else ?
June 30th, 2006 at 9:37 pm
then hit menu+L and that should bypass that screen so ya can make phone calls… i think its menu+L… it has been a year since i had to do that lol
July 1st, 2006 at 4:05 pm
did anyone else had their sk3 on the charger for over 19 hrs n still charging?
July 2nd, 2006 at 3:14 pm
My battery has been recharging since 10:55 am and its 5:10 pm and the lighting bolt icon is still there and the bars are still going….it never took this long to recharge when i got the sk2 well its been like this since i got it so i dont know the battery seems fishy to me….anybody wit the same issue ? or want to say anything ?
July 2nd, 2006 at 3:21 pm
the battery disconect works for everyone havin prob. with battery life..
go to system info.. then hit MENU+SHIFT+D
then look at the tests… n check only battery disconect (if thats all u wanna do)
then u can do tests n see wat passes and what does not.. then follow the instructions.. IT WILL TAKE ALL CHARGE OUT OF YOUR BATTERY SO PREPARE TO CHARGE
July 2nd, 2006 at 3:51 pm
its battery cover not disconect sorry about that
July 2nd, 2006 at 3:55 pm
you know what that only tests it.. then u have to call tmobile if it fails.. so how about you just call tmobile.. WE NEED A EDIT/DELETE COMMENT BUTTONS ON HERE!! lol
February 20th, 2009 at 11:17 am
ummm why dont you idiots just buy it from the actual store?