Rumor Roundup

We’ve been hearing a couple rumors about an OTA for the Sidekick 3 coming soon. No definite dates, but then again it doesn’t really matter as we’ll go through the same old roll-out sequence of a few at a time. We’ve heard that maybe this OTA brings MyFaves support, but haven’t been able to confirm that. We heard that MyFaves support was coming out, but you would only get the update if you called and requested it. That’s highly unlikely, so don’t bother picking up the phone and bothering TMobile.

We also heard that the Sidekick 4 was coming out soon, but we know that’s bunk. The PV-150 is next on the list, sometime in the next two months or so. We know it’s not the “Sidekick 4” but it is another Sidekick model. We’ll get more details on it as soon as the FCC docs are released into the wild. From all we’ve heard it looks like this won’t be a device for the hardcore Sidekickers, but will be a highly affordable internet enabled phone for everyone else. Tmobile/Danger are skimping on the features in order to offer a low-cost phone with internet and AIM. If you debating on whether you should wait for the PV-150, don’t. Go ahead and get a Sidekick III, or settle in for the long wait for the Sidekick RAZR that may grace us who-knows-when.

One Response to “Rumor Roundup”

  1. o0babiipiink0o Says:

    the new sk is going to be called the Sidekick iD, preety basic phone with no camera, and willl have myfaves… it going to be $100 less than the Sk3… i would give more info , but i dont want to get fired. lol

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