Sidekick 2009 April 1st Release Date Rumor
We’re getting a couple emails each day letting us know that PhoneDog is pegging the Sidekick 2009 release date for April 1st at CTIA. While we’re just like you guys, we hope the Sidekick 2009 comes out earlier rather than later, we’re not too sure if MSDanger/T-Mobile will be able to hit that date. Here are the thoughts we have:
* Releasing new products at CTIA isn’t great from a marketing standpoint. Your announcement can get lost in all the press about everything else.
* BUT we did however see the Sidekick iD info leak out accidentally via CTIA. It wasn’t an official announcement, but still something.
* An April 1st release does mean that the Grammy Tour could be used for some excellent marketing opportunities and increase the hype around this long-awaited upgrade to the Sidekick line.
* BUT last year’s Grammy Tour (also around April) saw the Sidekick LX as the showcase device, even though the Sidekick 2008 dropped 3 months later in July.
* We know the device is in the hands of some trial users and is being tested in the wild.
* We haven’t found a filing on the FCC for this device yet. With the Sidekick 2008 we saw FCC docs around May 2008, with the device releasing about 3 months later at the end of July. With the Sidekick LX we found FCC docs in the beginning of August 2007, device was released mid-October, again in the 2-3 month range. This FCC filing is legally required for the device to hit the market in the US, but companies don’t want to file early otherwise us rumor sites get some indisputable proof. Even if we find an FCC filing today, April 1st gives them only a month. Not impossible, but cutting it pretty close. Anyone found the FCC filing yet?
So, like I said, we want to believe, but every day that goes by without seeing any promotional material or FCC filings makes us less and less hopeful.
March 18th, 2009 at 5:56 am
I spoke to a hardware engineer and they told me it was a touch.. I don’t believe it either. We should know more on 4/13 when those docs get released.
I’m psyched!
March 24th, 2009 at 9:51 am
something is telling me 4/18 is the release date.
March 26th, 2009 at 2:16 pm
ya tu sabe eso mamaguebaso yo hablan mucha mierda como que ello controlan la mielda aqui coño eso mamañemaso que me lo mame eso maldito cocolo`sz ….
March 26th, 2009 at 2:17 pm
why ?
March 26th, 2009 at 2:35 pm
damn ricans learn spanish meilda is mispelled, its spelled mierda.
March 28th, 2009 at 11:39 am
Well thats suksx 4 her but you dont have to say nuttiin about black people because you aint dont say shit about us black people…
March 28th, 2009 at 11:42 am
Well you need to stop sucking balck people because you aint black and you need to keep that black comment to yourself….aint dont call us niggas if you aint black bitch!!!!So stop taling shit about us black people and juss talk about the sidekicks
March 28th, 2009 at 11:46 am
wow thats not funny and plus i bet us niggas could beat the shit out of you so you need to quiet that down quietly….an this website aint about talking about black people so shut the fuck up bitch!!!you suck mad dick && you need to start talking about sidekicks not black people
March 29th, 2009 at 11:15 am
so is it really gonna stay hidden until April 1 ??
cuz the only reason why its being hidden is to cause a big hype and start all this excitement…..!! possibly….
March 29th, 2009 at 11:46 am
Either way, I jus hope it comes out da way rumors r sayin cuz da way it lookz iz dat tmobile iz playin games wit evry1 thinkin dat itz not gonna come out on april 1st but I think that’s the joke itself, wanting people to think it won’t come out but it does and all ? idiotz that say it won’t come out on april 1st your gonna look like a group of donkeyz!!!!!!
March 29th, 2009 at 11:46 am
Its hidden because the federal government has not approved its use by consumers.
And the rest of you STFU, cyber sissys.
Clearly a/s/l, means age, se x, location.
If you don’t know that, you are a net noob.
March 29th, 2009 at 11:47 am
Either way, I jus hope it comes out da way rumors r sayin cuz da way it lookz iz dat tmobile iz playin games wit evry1 thinkin dat itz not gonna come out on april 1st but I think that’s the joke itself, wanting people to think it won’t come out but it does and all ? idiotz that say it won’t come out on april 1st your gonna look like a group of donkeyz!!!!!! Nd by the way, did n e 1 here if it’s going to be touch screen??
March 29th, 2009 at 3:11 pm
CUZ IM HYPED FUR THE SK 09……..!!!!!!!
March 29th, 2009 at 8:15 pm
okay. seriously. t-mobile woulda posted on it’s website for previous sidekick users to reserve their copy. just like w|the 3s &. LXs. it came out for sk users first ; then out to the public. t-mobile needs to promote it if not they lose money. &. they woulda shown in it commercials coming soon like the G1. 2 days before the release &. still no news? no. it’s not coming out april 1st.
March 31st, 2009 at 3:48 pm
Da g1 iz nuttin compared 2 da sidekickz, nd jus 4 da record all da kickz didn’t have commercials. I called t-mobile nd the man told me dat it wuz coming out but theren t aloud 2 giv info…….. eitha way I’m GETTING IT!!!!!! Fuck G1’z
March 31st, 2009 at 4:00 pm
well. either way t-mobile released the G1 to t-mobile customers first. im jus comparing. they wouldn`t just throw it out to the public w|out any type of information. let`s be serious – there`s always leaked info about something. but REGARDLESS – &. the POINT to this post is they woulda promoted it before releasing it.
March 31st, 2009 at 11:28 pm
wow this is a forum about the sidekick all you people who are going off about a word that was changed from something negative to a term of endearment need to get your heads out of your asses and take a good look around its 2009 people get over it
…………and yes im black
April 1st, 2009 at 12:12 pm
Okay so I jus got bac frum tmobile nd it didn’t come out 2day, the werkerz claim dat dey r also hearing rumorz but dey dnt kno eitha, dey kno da date nd evrything they r just nt aloud 2 tell……. but now da issue iz we need 2 find out when it comes out……. I really wanna know if itz touchscreen…… ur r right chanty, da leaked info wuznt 4 us, da release date april 1st wuz 4 australia so ourz iz still in da air~~~~~
April 9th, 2009 at 2:56 pm
These are Not True At The Moment.
The Current Release Date Rumor Is 13th Of May.