Sidekick 3 Packaging!

We figured some of you out there had already drooled over all the photos of the people with a Sidekick 3 in hand, so here’s a picture of the box that hopefully you’ll be getting at the end of the month!

47 Responses to “Sidekick 3 Packaging!”

  1. shavens Says:


  2. ohshhitscarl Says:

    photo submitted by yours truely ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. InkDrinker Says:

    good job carly, Hey guys, if I were to buy a sidekick II right now on the data plan would cost me 30.00 per monthโ€ฆ so how are u guys paying 20.00 and how do u think it will be 20.00 on the sidekick III when the data plan includes so much more?

    O yah I just thought right before I submitted my post. Do you think different User Interfaces will be downloadableโ€ฆ Cause I looked at some pics and they look ******* toddlerish

  4. ohshhitscarl Says:

    InkDrinker, the Dataplan you’re looking at on is stricly DATA. You would have to continue with a regular voice plan (I sugges the $39.99 for 600 anytime with Unltd. N&W) and then you would choose the $20 Dataplan ADD-ON. ๐Ÿ™‚

    About the interfaces? … Hmm i sure hope so.

  5. typoloco Says:

    classy…looks better than the SK2 box

    off the subject…has anyone heard about what accessories tmo will be marketing for this? i.e. colored bumpers, faceplates, new Sidekick branded bluetooth headsets???

  6. Strobin Says:

    the SK3 doesn’t have bumpers.

    Can’t wait to have the box in my hands(with SK3 inside of course hehe). Thanks for the pics Carl.

  7. typoloco Says:

    bumpers, no bumpers, im just talking customization here…what will T-Mobile offer us to personalize this device?

  8. howinsidious Says:

    re typoloco: Since there precious little physical room to personalize the SK3, T-Mobile will likely be offering up lanyards & charms to go through the lanyard loop, cases, and headsets. We can all hope for the possiblity of being able to buy & download new themes/desktop pictures, but knowing T-Mobile, that’s probably not very likely. Unless they charge 9 bucks a pop, in which case it would be VERY likely. T-Mobile: Get More (of a shafting)!

  9. Mr.SK3 Says:

    You get that pick from eBay? Can you believe theres a sidekick3 going for $4,000 on there??!?

  10. Ya Boy B Says:

    i wonder how long it will actually take to ship out, and if we will actually get the phone before the 10th of july…i wish they would hurry up and come out and give us some prices!! lol…the suspense is killing me, its all i’ve been thinkin about everyday for a month…that’s terrible how a PHONE can do this to a human mind!!

  11. bootywhistle Says:

    do you guys know anything about the sk3 release in Canada..? (FIDO)…. grrrr….

  12. bootywhistle Says:

    release date.. i mean… hehehehe

  13. Marcofromda510 Says:

    Hello, I just got off the phone with customer service. Thinking ahead I asked some questions I have had and got most answered.

    Can I use a larger file size miniSD Card such as 1 gb or 2 gb? Yes, the larg size I have been told you can use is only 1gb. Of course it has to be miniSD.

    Can I view streaming videos on the web browser? Their is no real specific details on this area, but it is believed to be able to because the brower is “highly-sofisicated”(sorry for miss spellings) so the representitive believes we should be able to.

    What will happen to my Sidekick II after I receive my upgraded phone(SideKick 3)? When you upgrade you keep it. So when you upgrade from the Sidekick II to the Sidekick 3, you keep both! So if you have insurance on your phone and you phone is damaged(keys bubbling ext…) You should be able to get it replaced free of charge(of course it can vary depending on the account)

    Can I have the upgrade fee added to my next phone bill? Yes.

    Side note, when talking to a representitive, can gain an edge in getting your sidekick 3, I was informed when midnight hits, you can ask for them to CALL you back when it is midnight in you time zone. So instead of calling them to and waiting hours on hold to get your sidekick 3, you can have them call you! Well this is all the information that I have found out that is anything new or useful.

    P.S. According to the representitive, the screen resolution IS BETTER and so is the camra. Also the Sidekick 3 will have MMS available on T-Mobile!

    Take Care y Mucho Amor,


  14. FutrExec01 Says:

    a few sidekick 3’s are available for immediate sale on, buyer beware of course…i checked out, some LOSER already bid $800 on the stupid thing, this is what happens when you dont do your research first…

  15. smubound Says:

    Customization…yes…call tmo customer service and they’ll tell u what’s in the accessories book that ull be receiving with the sk3…and I have no clue about the fido thing

  16. Strobin Says:

    Futr did you see the one that (at the time I last looked) was going for $4000+. Kinda lame, but I guess being the first one on that block costs $4000 LOL.

    Ya Boy B 5-7 UPS Ground and 1-2 UPS Express(if it is offered). I will be going the Express route if it is offered.

    Smu that’s cool. The SK3 looks good already, maybe in a few months I’ll customize it a bit.

  17. youngeurow Says:

    When I played wit the phone this past wed she said it would take 4 days I hope express is offered tho Its so close I can smell it hmmmm the smell of fresh plastic can’t wait one down two more to go now I gotta get my ps3 and wii and ill be right ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. smubound Says:

    When I got my sk2 I expressed it and it got here in 3 days

  19. paige Says:

    i’m staying up lateee on tuesday so i can order it at like 12:01 lol.&yeah there better be express.&whenever i get it i have to take it to a t-mobile store to get it set up right?or am i able to get it setup online?

  20. StArriEcOLiE Says:

    grrrrrr!!!!! i want it really bad! Ya Boy B.. it is really consuming me!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH 5 MORE DAYS, THEN ILL GET IT AT THE SANTA MONICA STORE! YIPPEEEE!

  21. aMaZin Says:

    ok guys not too ruin all the anticipation or anything..–but… I went buy a Tmobile dealer and he said that after 2weeks of the launch dealers would be selling it a little cheaper than the co. But I guess its the matter of having first and thats why Im sure the prices will certainly be ridiculous on the 28th. AND I have heard the skins for personlization they had for SK2 will be available for SK3.

  22. aMaZin Says:

    ok guys not to ruin all the anticipation or anything..–but… I went buy a Tmobile dealer and he said that after 2weeks of the launch dealers would be selling it a little cheaper than the co. But I guess its the matter of having first and thats why Im sure the prices will certainly be ridiculous on the 28th. AND I have heard the skins for personlization they had for SK2 will be available for SK3.

  23. Mr.SK3 Says:

    lol smart

  24. aMaZin Says:

    Sorry about that, I wonder how it went up 2x.

  25. paige Says:

    well don’t we already know the prices?$300 for 2 year contract,$350 for a 1 year contract

  26. ohshhitscarl Says:

    amazin. you clicked “submit comment” 2x ๐Ÿ™‚

    Guys, express is 3 days. Not 1-2 (depending on how far u live from their warehouses). Last time I had something shipped out from them, they used DHL drop ship from UPS. And it will be available. It always is. I talked to a T-Mo rep (which happens to be a friend of mine) about 2 mins ago and she told me they have plenty in stock to supply current sk2 customers and about 1500-2000+ non. in stock ready for the 28th. She assured me they will ship within 3-4 hours of you placing your order.

    No new info but just a little assurance.

  27. aMaZin Says:

    i am certainly and most definetly ordering mine on the 28th but do you think this will be truly awesome? We have all been anticipating it for soooo long, will this be one of the best devices out there? I hope it has no problems, b/c I remember when I had my SK1 they called it in and added some new features or fixed some problem due to the display or something.

  28. dattruekida Says:

    In brooklyn some tmobile stores are even gettin the sk3z on the 25 of july…i think thats a bit late…

  29. bobby981 Says:

    ohshhitscarl on June 23, 2006 at 10:49 pm said:

    amazin. you clicked “submit comment” 2x ๐Ÿ™‚

    Guys, express is 3 days. Not 1-2 (depending on how far u live from their warehouses). Last time I had something shipped out from them, they used DHL drop ship from UPS. And it will be available. It always is. I talked to a T-Mo rep (which happens to be a friend of mine) about 2 mins ago and she told me they have plenty in stock to supply current sk2 customers and about 1500-2000+ non. in stock ready for the 28th. She assured me they will ship within 3-4 hours of you placing your order.

    No new info but just a little assurance.

    so if we order at 12:00am, on the 28th we should be able to get it, or do you have to wait till like 9am the next morning, and there will be enough for all sk2 ownerS?

    thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. youngeurow Says:

    I wonder whats going to happend to this website after every1 gets there sk3?

  31. sidekick_fanatic Says:

    that is awesome, i want one soo bad, JUNE 28th for meee,

    how’d you get ahold of thatt?

  32. The Variable Says:

    How long do you have to have been a TMOBILE customer before you upgrade? Can’t you just extend your contract?

  33. zman Says:

    Start talking about the sk4 lol

  34. Strobin Says:

    I GOT MY SK4 lol. Oh wait 3 isn’t out yet. hehehe.

  35. youngeurow Says:

    Can u stream mp3 music off the net say for instance some1 had a link for a song in mp3 format?

  36. Toyakon Says:

    NOOOOOOO im going to be in vegas on the 30th-june 2nd…………..

  37. aMaZin Says:

    Those blessed w/ having it before the 28th, do you have any word on if there will be any custom made SK3’s, for example the MR CARTOON editions

  38. aMaZin Says:

    It is equipped with GPRS….um what is that?

  39. youngeurow Says:

    I can’t belive only a couple more days!

  40. R Kritikal Says:

    t-mob is having a promo until July 2nd, 1000 minutes and free nights/weekends for $39.99 instead of $59.99 if you were thinkin of signing a contract once the sk3 comes out, just sign one right now, and pay $50-$100 extra when the sk3 comes out, youl end up saving about $100-$200 in the long run

  41. ohshhitscarl Says:

    R Kritikal is right. T-Mobile almost always does this deal around this time. If you’re paying for 600 minutes ($39.99) I recommend u get on the phone with T-Mo asap and upgrade your plan to the 1000 minutes unltd. n&w for the same price. good deal. I got this deal last year around march.
    Toyakon, I live in vegas. if you wanna get yours the same week you’re here, order on the 28th and get express shipping and ship it to my house and ill meet u somewhere if ya’d like.

  42. InkDrinker Says:

    Carlsy knows where its @ Toyakon, I’d hit him up on that deal fo sure.

  43. Marcofromda510 Says:

    Toyakon, or you can just have them ship it to the hotel/relatives house your staying at in vegas. Everyone should just go to their local dealer and see what special deals they have in their area, like me, my plan u can only get in 2 states, its called a regional plan, I get 3000 minutes a month, no nights or weekends, no long distance charges or roaming as long as call are made with in california and nevada. Its long distance to call anywhere outside california and nevada. I pay $50 a month. Sounds a lil pricey but about $10 then the 1000 minute plan for $40 its a pretty good deal to me.

  44. Toyakon Says:

    Ummmmmm am i sure i wanna do that, haha no offense or anything… i think ill just wait, thanks for the offer though

  45. ohshhitscarl Says:

    lol no problem. just thought id try to help someone out ๐Ÿ™‚
    i understand completely though. if it was me, i wouldnt trust some stranger on the internet. lol.

  46. mikez12006 Says:

    HEy don’t listen to that person below u there will be bumpers but they will be mini’s and skins here is the site to start getting ordets going i have already orederd my stuff are you going to get yours. The site is they do a great job ordered all my sk2 stuff from ther too.

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