Sidekick LX-09 “Mood Lights” Preview Video

Thanks again to PBD for giving us a video preview of Mood Lights on the new Sidekick LX-09:

62 Responses to “Sidekick LX-09 “Mood Lights” Preview Video”

  1. MissLiz Says:

    MissLiz on April 27, 2009 at 12:00 am said:

    SK08KiD on April 20, 2009 at 1:43 pm said:

    the price of this phone is just rediculous to anyone who is a tmobile customer and cannot upgrade to the 199 price due to a contract… i think that we as loyal customers of t-mobile should be able to purchase this phone for 199 instead of 419… that price is just rediculous for a phone… expecially with the way technology is and how often phones are updated… this phone will eventually go out of style and drop in price… i will just stick with my 2008 until t-mobile decides to drop the price or come out with something newer. How is T-mobile going to give new customers this phone for 199 but try to sell it to us for 419…

    i guess i should just join at&t and get an iphone 3g now.

    I completely agree, not only that! but i called t-mobile within 30 days of having my gekko 08, because i heard that they were releasing this one, and told them that I wanted to send it back, and they told me that they had no information that confirmed, that the lx 09 was being release; other that it even existed. They pretty much made it seem like it was stuff of myth. The t-mobile representative told me to stick with the 2008. :\ I love my phone really I do, but I really wanted to be able to put custom ring-tones on it. Something that only the sidekick lx 09 can do 🙁


    not other ^_^

  2. davidjay Says:

    Well everyone who is made about the price why be the blackberry just came out for 500 with out a contract and you can always get it fron craigslist for cheaper no upgrade me myself have a sidekick and an iphone 3g with tmobile. To me I can’t go with out either don’t complain that’s life nothing is what it shoukd be but you will not find any carrier better then tmobile. There are many phones out there and with out getting a new contract you will be paying a lot either way this new sidekick is sick and it hands down the best social device out and now all they need to do is to make apps and this phone can really be a beast

  3. melissa Says:

    u guys suck

  4. melissa Says:

    kolohebnoy i love your comment on April 20th lol i was laughing forever

  5. melissa Says:

    sorry spelled you name wrong

  6. melissa Says:


  7. shaanan Says:

    ugghhhh man i just got my o8 in january and when i bought tha damn thing the sells rep. said a new sidekick would be coming out in a couple of months. now its out and luckly i have the flex plan but i wonder if i can upgrade and get a 2 year contract because i currantly am not on one…..

    i love the fact that t-mobile allowd me to pay the 400$ my phone costs over the months i think that was super cool. i dont think any other carrier would do that. but now im in a problem…

    the g-1 and the new sidekick lx are basicly the same thing from wi-fi to the keyboard, there is not much of a diffrence….other than the sidekick has mood lights…and the g-1 is cheaper and has a semi touch screen sooo im kinda not sure what to do… can some one help please?

  8. quito Says:

    MissLiz on April 27, 2009 at 12:00 am said:

    SK08KiD on April 20, 2009 at 1:43 pm said:

    the price of this phone is just rediculous to anyone who is a tmobile customer and cannot upgrade to the 199 price due to a contract… i think that we as loyal customers of t-mobile should be able to purchase this phone for 199 instead of 419… that price is just rediculous for a phone… expecially with the way technology is and how often phones are updated… this phone will eventually go out of style and drop in price… i will just stick with my 2008 until t-mobile decides to drop the price or come out with something newer. How is T-mobile going to give new customers this phone for 199 but try to sell it to us for 419…

    i guess i should just join at&t and get an iphone 3g now.

    I completely agree, not only that! but i called t-mobile within 30 days of having my gekko 08, because i heard that they were releasing this one, and told them that I wanted to send it back, and they told me that they had no information that confirmed, that the lx 09 was being release; other that it even existed. They pretty much made it seem like it was stuff of myth. The t-mobile representative told me to stick with the 2008. :\ I love my phone really I do, but I really wanted to be able to put custom ring-tones on it. Something that only the sidekick lx 09 can do 🙁

    so the sidekick lx 09 is gona let you put custom ringtones??

  9. Jimmie Says:

    They could’ve put matching lights on the other side…

  10. luis Says:

    I got mine kinda hot..I paid 480 and I think it worth it

  11. big gemini Says:

    Koloheboy on April 20, 2009 at 3:33 pm said:

    SK08KiD on April 20, 2009 at 1:43 pm said:

    the price of this phone is just rediculous to anyone who is a tmobile customer and cannot upgrade to the 199 price due to a contract… i think that we as loyal customers of t-mobile should be able to purchase this phone for 199 instead of 419… that price is just rediculous for a phone… expecially with the way technology is and how often phones are updated… this phone will eventually go out of style and drop in price… i will just stick with my 2008 until t-mobile decides to drop the price or come out with something newer. How is T-mobile going to give new customers this phone for 199 but try to sell it to us for 419…

    i guess i should just join at&t and get an iphone 3g now.

    No kidding, and again we will be in contract for another 2 years. :/ and they would be making $$$ in return.

    forreal man..almost $500 for prepaid…redicoulous..

  12. ramon Says:

    can the mood lights change color. and can you change the theme.?

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