Sidekick LX Screenshot

Sidekick LX Sidekick 4 Screenshot

The above screenshot was posted to our forums. Is this an actual screenshot from the Hiptop/Sidekick LX aka the Hiptop 4 aka the Shuriken? It is 400×208 pixels, which matches the dimensions rumored for the new Hiptop. If it is legit, it’s surely an internal OS screenshot since it’s branded Hiptop instead of Sidekick. Then again this could just be someone with too much time and photoshop skills on their hands.

13 Responses to “Sidekick LX Screenshot”

  1. SDWolf Says:


    It looks nice, but I call Photoshop on this. Where’s the titlebar (time, G7, signal bars, etc) at the top? I can’t believe Danger would leave that out of the Jump menu, and I can’t believe that anyone would intentionally crop that out of the screenshot.

  2. dbla921 Says:

    total fake… check the the title “Phone” you can tell from the quality.. its over pixilated, which comes from compressing image files.. to be honest.. this awful figment of some loser’s imagination isn’t even the work of photoshop.. looks like Paint work!

    The graphic version of the Shuriken (LX) looks pretty though.. I’m considering getting it tatooted to my back now.. so when it comes out it’ll be hip for a while and people won’t laugh at me as hard as when that OTHER guy got the SK2 tatted..

  3. AcidAngel Says:

    I’m not sure how compressing images = photoshop, it’s pretty standard faire for people to compress images they are sharing on the internet in order to cut file size down. On top of that, the OP’s link for the image was on bayimg, and bayimg recompresses the hell out of images that you post to it (I’m guessing to both save space on their end, and possibly to strip out exif data given their freedom of speech stance). Props to the unfounded theory of a comment though.

  4. mistergoodman Says:

    A pretty oddball size if true, almost twice as long as it is wide. And STILL less pixels than a 240 x 320 Windows Mobile device.

  5. AcidAngel Says:

    I believe the resolution w/ full title bar is 400×240

  6. SomeGuy Says:

    32px title bar sounds about right to me (32px + 208px = 240px). So, 400px wide by 240px high.

  7. AcidAngel Says:

    multiple sites have confirmed the slide is 320×240, so it would only make sense for the shuriken to have atleast the same screen height in my opinion

  8. mistergoodman Says:

    I find it odd that Danger would introduce TWO new screen sizes at once. I’d think it’d make things a real hassle for software developers. I’m skeptical.

  9. AcidAngel Says:

    If you properly coded your sidekick 3 application’s ui elements from the get go, then technically switching to the zante / shuriken screen resolutions actually shouldn’t be that big of an ordeal aside from adjusting your resources / fonts to take advantage of the increased resolution. If you coded with specific regards to the available screen resolution and coordinates, its more work but still not ‘that much’.

  10. exileayahika Says:

    I don’t like the rainbow X|

    I’m guessing it’s photoshopped. Good job on whoever did that.

  11. AcidAngel Says:

    Thats one of the current Shuriken themes according to people I talked to…

  12. anonymoose Says:

    A close source to me tells me this is a photoshopped image done by someone with way too much free time on their hands.

  13. Gutter Says:

    AcidAngel on August 6, 2007 at 8:52 am said:

    If you properly coded your sidekick 3 application’s ui elements from the get go, then technically switching to the zante / shuriken screen resolutions actually shouldn’t be that big of an ordeal aside from adjusting your resources / fonts to take advantage of the increased resolution. If you coded with specific regards to the available screen resolution and coordinates, its more work but still not ‘that much’.

    There is a little more to it than that dude…

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