Sidekick LX Unboxing

Boy Genius Report got their hands on their own Sidekick LX and have posted a gallery of images along with a Mini review.

…the actual specs of the Sidekick LX have not drastically improved from the Sidekick 3, and a lot of naysayers have been ripping it a new you-know-what, but you really just have to use one yourself to appreciate it. It is definitely thinner and feels right when your typing, IMing, or MMSing on it. The speaker is ridiculously loud and clear, and the screen…wow. It’s just like the Sidekick Slide, except a whole lot bigger.

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via Boy Genius Report

21 Responses to “Sidekick LX Unboxing”

  1. sidekickslide Says:

    1st ha ha i love it it look way better and the box is fabulous and the keyboard is the 2 &3 look mixed together like i said!!!!!!! same size as the kick 3!!!!! lOVE IT THANXZ ADMIN ♥

  2. Ryan Yo Says:

    yes! that blue looks a LOT darker, closer to black. Thats what i was hoping for.

  3. sidekickLXlovesME Says:

    Ryan Yo on October 1, 2007 at 1:57 pm said:

    yes! that blue looks a LOT darker, closer to black. Thats what i was hoping for.

    i know its very sex C

  4. hamilton Says:

    Yes!! It loks so much hotta in the dark blu close 2 blak. Very impressd!!

  5. beekay. Says:

    i like the other lighter blue better. maybe its just the flash or something. i reallyyyy want to see the brown one though!

  6. kur5e Says:

    hell yea im gettin da blue one it looks way better now den dat gay ass bright blue….cant wait to get it

  7. hamilton Says:

    The lyt blu lookd lyk a toy. The darka looks lyk a sidekick shuld. More of a fone colorn

  8. splohocky Says:


    I swear I am so glad to be rid of my sidekick simply for the association it bears with degenerate youths

  9. hamilton Says:

    Wow, way 2 b discrimanativ. Lyk ur 2 good 4 a fone dat teens r in2. And degenerat? Bcoz sum ppl shoose 2 shorten down there words on a pc or foen they r all of asudden degenerate. I fink sum 1 shuld relli fink about wat ur sayin b4 u post it coz u sound relli stuipd, and kinda lyk my grandperents.

  10. thatsoup Says:

    splohocky on October 2, 2007 at 1:45 am said:


    I swear I am so glad to be rid of my sidekick simply for the association it bears with degenerate youths

    I second that, but I’m getting the brown Sidekick LX, just because the degenerate youth thinks it isn’t “sexc” enough.

  11. hamilton Says:

    If u wanna take the tym 2 carefully plan out and ryt correctly wat ur postin then fine u do that, but don’t hav ago at da ppl hu actualy hav a lyf and can’t b stuffd. The brown reminds me of a kids toy, I lyk the blu, it Is more of a fone color now it is darker.

  12. splohocky Says:

    What is stuffd???

    Geeze Louise you keep on making my point over and over and over again…It surely must have taken you longer to come up with that strange code you use instead of English than it would have to just use proper English in the first place!

    I sure wish they would let the Sidekick be what it should be; a truly competitive mobile messaging powerhouse…and not spend all their potential development money on marketing it to dumb people.

  13. hamilton Says:

    And wat is that point? U havnt sed ne fing otha then complete nufinness. This code is wat the next generation of ppl r doin, and maybe u shuld just live wit it coz we aint goin ne wear. And geeze luise?? u r elli need 2 get out, I havnt heard that in years. And sellin it 2 dumb ppl, wow way 2 generalize every1.

  14. thizzrdie Says:

    splohocky on October 2, 2007 at 9:59 pm said:

    What is stuffd???

    Geeze Louise you keep on making my point over and over and over again…It surely must have taken you longer to come up with that strange code you use instead of English than it would have to just use proper English in the first place!

    I sure wish they would let the Sidekick be what it should be; a truly competitive mobile messaging powerhouse…and not spend all their potential development money on marketing it to dumb people.

    Totally agree. They know these dumbies will buy it know matter what the upgrades are.

    But Real Talk. I have 2 give it 2 T-Mobile though. They do know how to hustle yall out your money.
    I think Verizon comes in a close second with there new phones with NO upgrades (Newest Envy, Newest Chocolate by LG. There the SAME phone as there previous models) NO UPGRADES.

    Get yall hustle on

  15. hamilton Says:

    There r a few upgrades, nd da upgrades it did get were theonly real fings dat need 2 b updated. Dere is the bigga clearer scream, OS update, slimness, fasta net, mms. So it is worth while gettin it. Plus I fink its just me, but I lyk 2 get a new fone every 4 – 6 months, it just makes me happy. I get bored of fones easy. So I’m glad dis new 1 is out

  16. Nev Says:

    Wow what a conversation..

  17. justin Says:

    it only comes in one blue. its just the lighting duh. and the brown in only one brown to. the colors are only midnight blue and expresso brown.

  18. Nette Says:

    I love The new sidkick is so Freakiin howt. The features are much better and I really like the box shape

  19. Tech Says:

    Damn. Everyone hating on how us teenagers type and spell and talk.. Even though thats not how we all talk. Its a sick phone for real. But i really don’t understand why everyone is hating on teenagers. Its a phone. It has nothing to do with why teenagers are so ridiculously stupid and don’t know how to use correct grammar.

  20. Needed to post this Says:

    I’m serious, even though I’m a teenager myself, I read and write much faster in correct grammar. It takes me ten seconds to read a comment with correct grammar and five times as long to read one like this “Hamilton” guy. It seriously is like dechiphering a code. And “This is how the next generation talks” really makes no sense. I am part of “the next generation” and several others I know are and they don’t write like that. I can’t really get over the grammar some of you are using and I just thought I should post that Splohocky is right and Hamilton is completely in the wrong. I mean really, what is stuffd? I’m serious! And I have to say that I don’t understand how spelling normally like most people do makes me stupid and without a life. My life will probably be more than yours ever will be. Thanks to all the people who are spelling right!

  21. Needed to post this Says:

    ~And wat is that point? U havnt sed ne fing otha then complete nufinness. This code is wat the next generation of ppl r doin, and maybe u shuld just live wit it coz we aint goin ne wear. And geeze luise?? u r elli need 2 get out, I havnt heard that in years. And sellin it 2 dumb ppl, wow way 2 generalize every1~

    You havn’t said nothing other than complete nothingness? You haven’t heard geeze louise (spelled louise) in years? Do you live in a box? No offense but it’s not generalizing (I’m surprised you didn’t spell it gnrliz) everyone if you can say “U havnt sed ne fing otha then complete nufinness.”

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