Stolen Sidekick returned!

Amidst all this Sidekick 3 news, we were glad to find out that the stolen sidekick we reported on earlier has been returned to the owners. They say they aren’t going to press charges, and that the Sidekick will be sold on ebay, with 1/3 of the money going to a charity for single mothers. More info is available on the site.

12 Responses to “Stolen Sidekick returned!”

  1. orlandoxx69 Says:

    yeahhhhhhhhhh 1st

  2. orlandoxx69 Says:

    im sorrry i have always wanted to sai that

  3. SidekickStar330 Says:

    Cool..all that fuss just to be returned and then sold…..w/e at least its for charity….and with the sk3 comin out soon who cares bout the sk2 anymore? Lol

  4. orlandoxx69 Says:

    i was out a time cuz im in the usa im orlando colucci but i cant open hotmail so i cant retirve my password i have seeen so much things but i cant post anything and so ……. im bak im here in the usa like i said so ….. im in conneticut !!!!!!!!!!!!!:D yea

  5. zman Says:

    I know this is off the subject, but in the manual, it shows something about paying $2 dollars a month about using the calculator. Is that true? And is that how every application is?

  6. Strobin Says:

    Good to hear it was returned.

  7. youngeurow Says:

    zman on June 21, 2006 at 10:28 pm said:

    I know this is off the subject, but in the manual, it shows something about paying $2 dollars a month about using the calculator. Is that true? And is that how every application is?

    Yea I saw that too that’s some bulshit for a damn calc that should be essential to every cell phone

  8. Woahh Says:

    I saw that too, But if you scroll a little more down.. It shows the Calculator again, But the price is Free. So I’m not sure about this..

  9. SidekickStar330 Says:

    shit, caculator should already bee installed…its a absic essential!

  10. Mr.SK3 Says:

    Not to be mean but no one cares that ur sidekick was stolen. If your going to make a HUGE deal about it then you should of been more careful you Bitch 🙂

  11. Derek Says:

    yeah my sidekick lx was just stolen today by someone and it will cost me 130 dollars do replace if anyone has any idea on if i can track it please let me know

  12. Lanna Says:

    Yeah my Sidekick qot stolen too. =[

    sidekicks are like the most stolen phone in America =[

    cause everybody wants one, & not everyone can afford one =/

    & i think they should put trackinq devices in ALL phones, as much as ppl lose them & they qet stolen or whateverr.

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