T-Mobile Announces the G1, aka Google Phone
I know this isn’t about a new Sidekick, but I know there are a lot of people out there that have been following the rumored “Google phone” that runs on their Android platform for a long time. T-Mobile officially announced the “T-Mobile G1” today. It shares a lot of features with the Sidekick and actually looks a lot like a Sidekick from a distance. The software underneath is totally different, and we’ll soon see how well the Android OS fares. For more information on the specs and details, check out the coverage on TmoNews.
September 27th, 2008 at 5:48 pm
Hey seabiscuit why don’t you just suck me sideways. Google needs people like you to make this phone the 2nd coming of crist and so do I that way they will make more g phones, Better g phones. As for the whole lack of bluetooth stereo why come out with a new phone that needs to be updated. Wtf. I think the phone is getting rushed for the hoilday season if you can’t see that you’re a jack ass.
September 28th, 2008 at 12:16 am
1. yes AIM will run just as sidekick did in the background, you cant close apps, they just go to foreground (ithink thats the word)
2. idk what the HELL ya saying, i have an LX, i LIKED it but the loook is seriously 2 years old!!!!, the G1 has a better name, better look, the G1 seriously is basically like the adult verison of the sidekick, more business class you know.
3. pricing is beyond Good hello Tmobile found what us sidekick user’s asked for because idthink this was the orginal G1; they found a similar device that will bring back there ex customers back because just as “SKfan.” said, it’s the “iKick”.
Lets just be glad they’re listening to us customer’s, now all they need to do is apply all of our request to the danq device we want it on. but 2 late, sidekick is a childs phone, i need something more business class something teens and tweens wont really wont or need.
September 28th, 2008 at 1:17 am
Goodbye Sidekick.
Hello T-Mobile G1.
No doubt.
September 28th, 2008 at 6:10 pm
I ordered my G1 this morning in black. I hope time goes fast and Oct. 22nd arrives swiftly.
I am leaving my Sidekick 2008, for the G1.
Hope everyone enjoys there phone when they receive it.
Au revoir Sidekick 2008
Bonjour T-Mobile G1 with Google in Black.
September 29th, 2008 at 1:29 pm
i’m waiting for the lx 2 until i pick……
September 30th, 2008 at 12:15 am
I’ll just wait til’ next year to upgrade. Maybe the price might drop, maybe something will change, whatever.
But even though I started with my LX, my two year journey with it is gonna end next year.
… wow. What a long time from now.
September 30th, 2008 at 8:21 am
I been with sidekicks since the sk 1… its time to move on until they come out with a better sidekick.. I preordered mine on monday but I was mad u weren’t able to preorder the white version
September 30th, 2008 at 10:23 am
The thing to remember about the G1 is that its running ANDROID as its OS and that means alot of over-the-air upgrades.
Video will be coming quickly, as will AD2P bluetooth.
No doubt the developers in the app store will have tons of cool stuff coming out all the time.
Personally, I kindof like the minimalist design, but I can see how it would look bland to others.
Myself, I like have bumper keys to assign shortcuts to- but with the touchscreen, this may not be so necessary with one-handed use.
Did I mention you can use your MP3’s as ringtones? Yup- its in the manual.
The hardware (G1) looks good for me- it will be a big upgrade from my SK08 – but I’m sure much more lovely designs will be next.
I’d like to see them adopt a design that can use SHELLS like the SK08 does- I have to say, I really liked the way those worked- chang the whole look of the phone from green to black to orange is really nice- not to mention the custom shells.. too bad the G1 didn’t have that option.. but I’m sure future Android phones will
Cant wait til the 22nd..
September 30th, 2008 at 6:45 pm
im sorry..i been wit danger/sidekick since the side kick 2..
i had an iphone.
blackberry curve.
and that one fone from sprint where one side is an mp3 player and the other side was a fone..lol i can think of the name…and i always ran back to the sidekick..lol…but i think its finally to leave this abusive relationship and get wit a real woman that knows how to treat a man!
goodbye my beloved sidekick . hello my sexy G1
0ct 22nd bitches =P
September 30th, 2008 at 7:47 pm
lol its funny it looks like everybody is leaving their sidekicks…watch i bet the prices on the sidekick is gonna drop because they are gonna have less sales goin on because soo far i heard there was about 10,000 G1s on the first day of announcement n now they only got 2,000
September 30th, 2008 at 10:05 pm
i was a sidekick user last year and know i own a htc s620 or t-mobile dash and i really like both but windows mobile 6 is much better that sk os. on my dash i can install a lot application.
the only thing that i like of the sidekick is the keymap and the desigh but i know the G1 will be now the best phone iphone is nothing now compare to G1 this phone is make by one of the best company (HTC ) i know that the G1 has feauter of the sk like the keymap trackball but its a great phone i was watching a video on youtube and one operator of google said that the phone can hold up to 8g and there will be and update that will let the phone up to 16G of memory thats a really good news.
this phone has great application:
screen:3.2 inch & Touch screen
1g memory
messenger live,aol,yahoo and google talk
text&pictures messages
watch youtube videos
amazon mp3 store
google catalog
3pxs camera
google map with gps
music player
wi-fi & 3G network
real web browser
5 line keyboard & trackball
254mb ROM & 194mb RAM
customize home screen
bluetooth & headphones
3D view on map
this is what i know so far about the G1 so and the most happiest things is that there will be updates, and also i know that the first phone always have problem but not major problem
and this the start point for google i know google will luanch the G2 as i said this is just the begining o google. hope this info- help those people who want to know things about the G1.
October 1st, 2008 at 6:43 am
I just read that a Google spokes person stated that out of the box the G1 will be able to handle the 16gb micro-SD.
The 16gb cards will be available for $99, in October (possibly the 10th) in Best Buy stores and will be available in November in Verizon wireless stores.
Hopefully there will be a price drop, I will more than likely get 8gb that should be enough room.
So including the internal memory the G1 can hold 16.25gb that is until the 32gb comes out…either way its still more than the iPhone.
October 1st, 2008 at 5:00 pm
Goodbye Sidekick,Hello G1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pre ordered already yuup
October 3rd, 2008 at 4:20 pm
I love my LX, but i love the G1 too, from what i hear.
I’m so tempted to order it, but i think i might regret it because of the Instant Messaging, and attractiveness of the LX.
*sigh* I think i’m going to wait for the Sidekick 4.
Hopefully it’ll be up to par.
I really only want 3G, and new OS.
then ill be happy.
Hopefully more news gets revelaed about the new sidekick.
Then ill choose.
But i don’t like the ackwardness of the phone,
it makes it look like cheap?
October 4th, 2008 at 6:54 am
so if i live in CT i wont be able to get the G1..cuze Connecticut is not on the 3G network..some one help?
October 5th, 2008 at 4:50 pm
While this phone may look neat but I’m going to hold it until the next sidekick comes out because we’ll never know if the next sidekick is going to be like that.
October 5th, 2008 at 10:09 pm
will the aim on the g1 work the same as a sidekick does? or will it be a mobile aim as every other regular phone?
October 6th, 2008 at 7:56 am
Yea but the G1 is NOT going to have AIM like the sidekick where you can customize your own aways, and chat while your away is on…I think Sidekick is STILL BETTER
October 6th, 2008 at 7:58 am
so then will it be responsive like sidekicks? and is it going to show full buddylist? or only 30 buddys like how mobile aim works? and will it stay connected while on calls and recieve IMs when the call is ended.
October 6th, 2008 at 11:12 am
Yea das what everyone wants to know.
But i still think ima wait until the next sidekick,
2009 will be here so soon.
October 6th, 2008 at 2:09 pm
Yea that is the only thing holding me back from buying this phone! CAN ANYONE CONFIRM the truth about how the AIM/YIM/MSN services will work? If it is the same as the sidekick then i am SOLD
October 6th, 2008 at 9:29 pm
I have a sk08 and have had a sk3 and 2 and love em but I must say I geting a g1 on launch day and saying bye bye to the kick those that are waiting or holding out for the next sidekick are kinda dumb unless its a $$ issue we all know the next sidekick still will be behind its time but even IF** it was upto date it would still have dangers locked down OS so the android will shine no matter what(own ringtones finally anyone??) but im sure the sidekick will still live on mostly to kids and teens that want the user friendly danger OS and the android and all its goodness will be for us adults…..22nd can’t Fing wait
October 7th, 2008 at 4:53 pm
it WILL have AIM/YiM/MSN messenger.
it’s legit. i forgot where i saw it, but it’s still confirmed. =)
October 8th, 2008 at 10:11 am
we all know its goin to have AIM/YIM/AND MSN but what we all want to know is if infact the AIM/YIM/AND MSN will work like on sidekicks or is it going to work like mobile AIM on regular phones.
October 8th, 2008 at 10:46 am
yea exactly!!! i hope its the same as the sidekick! any testers or anyone that has used the G1 know??
October 9th, 2008 at 1:54 pm
You guys should take a look at this.
Click “Emulator” to play around with the device.
October 11th, 2008 at 6:41 pm
What’s with T-Mobile dropping “better” phones for ultimately less than the Sidekick LX?
Anyhoo, I’d rather wait for the newest Sidekick to come out on T-Mobile’s new 3G network. C’mon, it’s a first generation and it WILL have major issues. I guarantee it. The iPhone even had a lot of glitches the first and second time around.
If it turns out to be a better phone, then I’d go ahead a buy a second-generation. I’m just too attached to the sleek beauty of my LX to go to the awkwardness of the G1 right away. Even though it seems a lot like the legendary iPhone, it is not. The iPhone is still the best, IMHO.
Especially with the economy in the state it’s in, I don’t wanna drop more bills for a phone that I MAYBE will like. Just saying…
October 12th, 2008 at 2:56 pm
Well I just got the sidekick 08 on tuesday (im on it now) and I luv it I was gonna preorder the g1 but I wanted a smaller phone and 3g doesn’t matter cause its not in my city but its a cool phone but ima stick it with my sidekick
October 14th, 2008 at 2:51 pm
im getting mine at a tmobile store out here in chicago on the 22nd because they had a preorder list to sign ur name and number on and im the 7th person on that list and they said there gonna call me before the 22nd to make sure im still intrested in it and i chose the black color one i cant wait!
October 14th, 2008 at 7:05 pm
WATS GOOD chitown…i was born n raised in chitown i just recently moved to miami im comin out ther in a week i miss my city i was raised on 63rd n kedzie then i moved to humbolt park then to the wild 100s then moved to summit after all that thats one krazy ass city im still reppin that 773
October 18th, 2008 at 12:48 pm
4 more days can’t wait 2 get dat phone mane!
October 18th, 2008 at 2:46 pm
hellz yaa 4 more days man im goin to chitown on the 21st which is in 3 days im tryna call ups to change to address to chicago because right now its on the miami address but everytime i go on ups.com to put in my refrence number to track the package its showin unavailabe which is pissin me off cuz im not tryna wait two weeks till i see ma phone because ima be out there for two weeks
October 19th, 2008 at 11:08 am
3 mo dayz can’t wait 2 get dat sht mane! Reppin dat chi town 773 all day!
October 19th, 2008 at 12:53 pm
Lol somebody else used my name. I got my tracking number, my G1 will be here on Oct 21st.
I am glad I pre-ordered!!
October 21st, 2008 at 9:56 am
October 21st, 2008 at 9:57 am
October 23rd, 2008 at 6:17 am
Hello all. Um I want to know how much would an upgrade cost to the G1 from the 08? Will it cost more ordering or in stores? Is the price still going to be a lot to change the phone to that from my 08 being that the 08 was the last sidekick out?
October 25th, 2008 at 8:48 pm
i played around with the G1 and I LOVE everything about the phone. The only thing keeping me from buying it is the fact that the AIM is NOWHERE near as good as the Sidekicks AIM. No custom away, no reading aways without IMing the person, no editing your buddylist. Theres a whole bunch of laggs and glitchy issues. Im going to stick with my Sidekick LX until an OTA come out for the G1 that will make the aim just like the sidekicks.
November 11th, 2008 at 11:56 pm
my bro has a prototype G1…and i am soo angry…wen i asked him wetha or not i should stay with sidekicks he sed that there waz nothing good coming out…grrrrrrrrrrrr…but still i recon danger wins…and im fair sure the next sidekick will kick ****
November 30th, 2008 at 5:53 pm
This is a good phone, but there are lots of problems with it but the 2 main problems that made me decide not to get it is that, 1. It has no headphone jack,so you hae to get an adapter-THEY FIGURED THIS WOULD GET MORE MONEY- and 2. It is a pain in the a** to text on, because the uneaven sides of the phone its flat on one side and on the other side it has a little lip, unlike the sidekick it has a little lip on bothe sides. The problem with the sidekicks is because it is a “texting” device the speakers are bad and so there are a few audio hiccups, the other problem with the sidekick is that it has software glitches. THE THING WITH THE SIDEKICK THAT REALLY MAKES ME MAD IS THAT ITS A MICROSOFT APPLICATION AND IT DOESNT HAVE A MICROSOFT OFFICE. the least it can have is microsoft word and possibly excel.
any ways… i reccomend waiting about a year for the G1 and same with the sidekick 2008/”GEKKO”