T-Mobile Price Increase on Sidekick Data Plans
Uh oh, better hurry up and get that Sidekick before November 16th. T-Mobile
is planning on raising the data plan prices for several phones, including the Sidekick. Here’s the breakdown for the Sidekick:
For those wanting just Data and SMS:
Unlimited Data with 400 SMS: $44.99
Unlimited Data with unlimited SMS: $54.99
For those adding the Sidekick Plan onto a Voice plan:
Unlimited Data with 400 SMS: $24.99
Unlimited Data with unlimited SMS: $34.99
Unlimited Data only (if you have SMS via another plan): $24.99
If you want the full rundown, hit the chart above. For those of you that are existing customers (or if you sign up before November 16th), chances are you’ll be grandfathered in with your current plan prices and won’t see an increase in price.
via TmoNews who has additional increases for all the other devices.
November 12th, 2008 at 1:01 am
bah… if the sk is gonna up the data plan…. i might bandwagon to a windows mobile or a g1 if the plans are the same price now…
November 12th, 2008 at 7:29 am
My only concern is if a new kick comes out with 3G will my 19.99 data plan be grandfathered over to the new kick since I technically did not remove or change my plan
November 12th, 2008 at 9:02 am
I got the g1 and ended up returning it because i didnt want to pay 25 for unlimited internet and only 400 texts since i already have a sidekick since O3′ on my other phone and its 20 unlimited internet and texting well like cnystrand said i hope when they do come out with a 3g sidekick they dont try to force you to upgrade to the new price!
November 12th, 2008 at 9:23 am
So wait. instead of unlimited texting aim webrowsing and sms for 19.99 a month its gonna be 29.99 a month? or will it be unlimited everything with 400 sms but still unlimited regular texting for 29.99 a month? im confused, Why are they doing this anyway? I mean the plans are priced similar to at&t and verizon now. If its the same i might switch. I thought tmobile was the carrier who is good on prices.
November 12th, 2008 at 12:33 pm
I don’t get the rise of data plan for Sidekicks. It’s not faster nor is it better. It’s not going to by the 16th. If they’re going to jack up the price I’d hope its because it’s somehow getting better. Yet another thing taken from the Sidekick. No longer can someone say because it’s cheap, $19.99 for unlimited everything but voice. Its slowly losing reason.
November 12th, 2008 at 1:38 pm
wait this is gonna effect anyone that has a plan now? so i have to pay 10 more dollars a month? or is this for anyone who would wanna get one as of the 16th…cause i got the sidekick cause im on a budget and i aint about lose all my money to tmobile
November 12th, 2008 at 1:42 pm
t-mobile must be trying to push people away from the sidekicks or something…
on a better note…have u seen the Samsung Behold…its beautiful
November 12th, 2008 at 4:10 pm
oohk so if we already have a plan right now is it still gonna be the same price? like the same price we’re paying right now?
November 12th, 2008 at 4:11 pm
if its not, then I might as well say..
because I know my mama is not gonna pay that much =/
November 12th, 2008 at 5:01 pm
i recently left my sidekick for blackberry. i like my blackberry curve better anyways. blackberry offers Free games, ringtones, and apps. i dont understand why they would jack the price for sidekicks tho. they dont even offer 3g for sidekicks. Thats just bad for business. as soon as my contract is up with tmobile, i might just go to verizon or some other company. Not sorry to say but tmobile kinda sucks right now.
November 12th, 2008 at 5:03 pm
i even heard other companys are thinking about 4g or something like that, tmobile needs to get with the times lol
November 12th, 2008 at 8:22 pm
How stupid can you be?
November 12th, 2008 at 9:48 pm
Unless t mobile decides to come out with a new sidekick, their only going to screw themselves in the end. the sidekick is a good messaging phone but the reason why their jacking up the price is their losing money and their phones aren’t that great
November 12th, 2008 at 10:22 pm
The only reason their doing this is because their probaly getting rid of the sidekick, gettin ready to launch a 3g version, or they’re thinking a lot of people are getting over with the cheap data plan pricing. They’re gonna lose a lot of customers when they go foward with this dumbass idea. This will be my second year straight with the sidekick and I love. It does everything these new wack phones do and it still has a luxury look. I still get wows when peeps see the phone. This is bad for business. Peace. Sidekick forever.
November 12th, 2008 at 10:23 pm
ok I workd as a customer not with tmobile but at at&t..but im certain the policies r similar…if u already have a plan u will not be forced to switch, n u will be grandfatherd over to a new plan. the price change I believe is spread out over all devices to quicken the process of makin the money back for startn the 3g network..I also think the price increase is a good sign a 3g k!ck will be comin out in the near future hopefully by early 2009. if u have a ‘grandfatherd’ sidekick plan for 19.99 as long as u keep the k!ck 08 or earlier n dont remove ur sidekick plan u wont see an increase in price but if u get a new 3g sidekick if/ when it comes out ur plan will be switch to the 34.99 unlimitd most likely n its becuz ur usin more data
November 12th, 2008 at 10:35 pm
R.I.P sidekick
android with pwn all…….in time
November 12th, 2008 at 10:38 pm
yeah i swiched from my sidekick 08 to a g1 and couldnt be happier its got some issues but its new and in beta and to be expected but i wouldnt trade it for anything only thing i miss on my sidekick is the aim but hopfully soon they change that for the g1 other then that Fuk danger and there locked down os charging for everything and cant put your own ringtones and stuff F that. android is the future it is gonna murder windows mobile and icrap
November 12th, 2008 at 10:42 pm
iif iim stiil gonna get gay ass edge network…and iima have 2 pay 30$….ii just miight go wiith veriizon
they got da new blackberry storm….
touchscreen kiicked da kiick wiith dat and iits 3g!!!
November 13th, 2008 at 3:11 am
now there’s really no reason to own a Sidekick. This thing is literally a piece of shit. The Sidekick LX better cost a dollar. This is bullsh!t. I’m switching over. There’s not one reason to own a sidekick. These guys are seriously taking an advantage of their customers. The sidekick doesn’t even have 3g. LOLLLLLLLLLLLL
November 13th, 2008 at 8:04 am
Well I think I finally found a reason to switch from my sk08 to the Samsung Behold in my opinion is a nice alternative to the G1. I like everything about the G1 as fas as the OS is concerned but find the actually phone really ugly. It seems as though changing the Sidekick’s plans might be the cause of a 3g Sidekick or something else coming out which would mean that the data would get better on the kick. I will still make themes though lol but anyways it would make sense to change the plans if the phone its self is getting a major upgrade. For the time being I think will finally switch and get that Samsung phone.
November 13th, 2008 at 8:54 am
Quit ur bi*ching!! That’s all everyone does!
November 13th, 2008 at 10:25 am
T-mobile is either really smart or making a big mistake. Who would want to pay that much for old technology with all the new gadgets that are out with 3g tech? On the other hand, they could be forcing the sale of the g1 to get all the money they can out of that b4 they drop the newer sk next yr and have everyone come back to the sk after getting the g1. We all will have to pay those prices for the newer sk when it comes out anyway since those seem to be the going rates for 3g phones, so enjoy the $20 data plans while u can guys. It’s not going to be here for much longer.
November 13th, 2008 at 5:06 pm
i did the same thing!!! lol
November 13th, 2008 at 5:07 pm
i did the same thing also!! lol
November 13th, 2008 at 5:10 pm
same here!! lol
November 13th, 2008 at 5:57 pm
umm excuse me??? it was just a question =/ if you was gonna answer back like an asshole then maybe YOUR the stupid one. NOBODY asked you to reply
thanks :]
November 13th, 2008 at 8:54 pm
Totally agree. They call people like that ______.You feel n tha blanks.
November 14th, 2008 at 2:28 pm
hello (:
i’ve called t-mobile and spoke to a superviser, he told me the price will go up for the g1 but not for the sidekick.
the sidekick data plan will remain $19.99, the price increases are only for the g1.
November 14th, 2008 at 2:33 pm
If they increase the prices on the sidekick data plan, and they continue to release rinky dink sidekicks, they will loose half of thier customers. In order for me to pay 34.99 for unlimited data for a sidekick, the phone better be way better then it’s previous versions!!
November 14th, 2008 at 6:23 pm
Dis sum bully fa real!! Aint no need 2 rasie ya prices the sk’s is low budget anywayz..yo keep it up T-Mo nd imma start a boycott on ya shit werd up!!
November 14th, 2008 at 7:33 pm
Those who are claiming that they are going to leave Sidekicks now are just being stupid.
Seriously, stop being dumb and learn to read.
November 15th, 2008 at 11:13 am
Bunny22 No!!!……. please stop making themes you aint no cubanitastylezz to be saying my bubbles and my tweaked hinges and my icons on all your themes.you don’t have ½ the skills of cubanita nor prash just quit.your themes are lame as hell you suck @ rendering themes 2gether.but back on topic yea t-mobile’s dumb for this 1 I don’t expect much from a 3g sidekick.we’re gonna be paying almost double the price for a data plan with the same locked down OS and what sucks is we pay hundreds of dollars for these phones and alot of money for the data plan to end up with t-mobile disabling the free ringtone feature from all the sidekicks fuck T-MOBILE!FUCK SIDEKICKS!Fuck the G1 that phones a piece also it aint nearly as good as the iphone
November 16th, 2008 at 3:56 am
Kat, nice comment.
You’re a real idiot. It’s bad business regardless. They’re still selling an overpriced phone with out outdated features that now has overpriced plans.
Lets see here
You have a g1 that offers free ringtones, open source, touch screen, gps, free downloadable programs, a better internet, a camera that’s not outdated, and 3g.
You have a sidekick that’s closed source, ringtones cost money, same sidekick 2 UI, crappy camera, crappy internet, programs cost money(5 bucks for a myspace app?? rip off), no gps, no touch screen, and now there limiting IM/SMS/ to 400 and raising the price for the unlimited.
You have to be an idiot to buy a sidekick right now.
The people who already have a plan aren’t because there still paying the old price.
Everyone should be bitching until they release a 3G sidekick to go with this plan. RIght now they sound greedy because there is no 3g sidekick and the 3g coverage is a fukin joke. Not to mention sidekicks are overpriced.
November 16th, 2008 at 6:15 am
Well its the 16th and the sidekick data plan as an add on is 19.99 and is 29.99 as a standalone plan so it hasnt been implemented yet
November 16th, 2008 at 9:37 am
It sure has been implemented buddy 34.99 all over the site. Just switched from a sidekick to a G1. Missing my kick already.
November 16th, 2008 at 11:41 am
If you already have the plan it WON’T go up this is for NEW customers!! And I would wait on getting a new phone a close friend of mine played with the new sidekick and he says its a big improvement over the current models it has a 5 mega pizel camera video flash I don’t have the full specs yet but I will update when I can oh and it has 3G and is supposed to be released EARLY next year
November 16th, 2008 at 11:52 am
Are you guys that stupid? Verizon forrant let you download shut for free their plans are still way more thatn T-Mobiles AT&T blackberry plan is $45 motherfuking dollarz!! And don’t get me started on sprint you hous should fuking read then post bitchs!! Oh. And like numerous other people said IF YOU HAVE THE PLAN ALREADY THE FUKING PRICE WON’T GO UP!!!!
November 21st, 2008 at 6:54 pm
you’re a douche tmoboi. lol dont get your panties in a bundle.
December 3rd, 2008 at 12:26 am
Prepaid customers still a dollar a day, unlimited data and texts?
December 6th, 2008 at 10:39 am
Well, they can’t charge me that price for another 2 years, I have a contract til 2010 for a $20 data, I’m going to call and make sure
December 6th, 2008 at 8:23 pm
Another reason why I’m switching to an iPhone ASAP. Can’t wait to get a 3G phone with YouTube support. GPS, and everything. The only thing I think I’ll miss, after playing with various family members’ iPhones, is the instant messaging apps on the SK. Hopefully there’s something okay on the iPhone.
December 13th, 2008 at 6:49 am
I dont think they can raise the price off of people who are in a contract, OUR contract states that thats how much we are suppose to pay & if they do raise the price on contracted clients, imma see alot of lawsuits b/c I think thats B*llS*it… you wanna see how fast i cancel my line with them & tell them to suck it on charging me my termination fee? They changed MY contract, I can change the contract on THEM! Get me?! Sorrryy a lil venting there 🙂
December 16th, 2008 at 6:55 pm
Well I can confirm that cooperate TMobile (read 611 not your local store!) can get you the $19.99/mo deal *IF* you are an “oldtimer” and perhaps better chances are if you have several lines. Meaning you’ve paid them quite a lot over the years.
Personally I’ve been with them for some 5yrs and had all SK editions (excluding the Slide) and currently we have four lines on familyplan two of these were iPhones (on Tmo) but our son wanted to switch from iPhone to SK due to a lot more texting and emails lately (yes he’s in “that” age :)) anyhow, so I had asked in our local store and they just said “oh sorry we’re not able to”, and that’s true they can’t.
So I called in to change the 400 txt to unlimited for him and after I had done that I asked the rep (who was a guy and seemed unusually nice) that I have one last question, is there ANY possibility to change the (not iPhone) line to a SK line but at the $19.99 price, he said he can try basically his computer will approve or not it, well I though what the heck, got nothing to loose right, can always go back if it doesn’t go through or if our son doesn’t want a SK after all well we got green light and now we have three SK unlimited packages, yesterday we only had two 🙂
Now I got this idea because plenty of times when I call 611 they reps will tell me something “oh thank you for have been with us for so long” and well yeah I thought Tmo owed us something after I’ve paid a 4 digit bill lately when our son decided to see what happens when you use like triple the minutes available on your plan 🙂 combining the bill before that one and the last one make another 4 digit so I’m glad to start saving some now 🙂
December 24th, 2008 at 1:48 am
diz shyt iz stupid
February 10th, 2009 at 5:00 pm
what a shit idea
April 3rd, 2009 at 5:06 pm
Well i changed to a G1 phone about a month ago and I was switching back just because the aim SUCKS and the price difference (so i thought..) so i called today to switch back to my sidekick plan and they said they coudnt regardless if i had that plan b4. so nomore sidekick for me i guess.. 🙁
April 17th, 2010 at 4:32 pm
this is 2010 april n you guys talking back in 08 wow
April 17th, 2010 at 4:32 pm
this is 2010 april n you guys talking back in 08 wow
April 17th, 2010 at 4:32 pm
you guys are funny