Win a D-Wade Sidekick 3

The Sidekick Wiki is running a sweepstakes where one lucky winner will get a brand new, sparkling white, D-Wade Sidekick 3. It has to be one of the simplest contests out there. Just sign up for the wiki, upload a picture, and post a comment letting them know what your current ringtone is. If you’re the winner, they’ll hook you up with the $399 D-Wade Sidekick 3 (service not included).

This sweepstakes begins at 12:00:01 a.m., Pacific Time (“PT”), on Wednesday, February 28, 2007, and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. PT on Saturday, March 10, 2007. The contest page with more details can be found here.

On second thought, entering this contest is a bad idea. The less people that enter the better the chance for us to win!

10 Responses to “Win a D-Wade Sidekick 3”

  1. s4xton Says:

    OH SNAP! That url doesn’t work anymore unless you sign in.

  2. farah Says:

    i want to win it

  3. farah Says:

    i really wish i could win from farah

  4. Sigournee Says:

    I really wish that i could win a sidekick. I am 12 years of age and i never had a phone so this will be my first experience with a cellular device.

  5. Crystal Says:

    I really wish i could win a sidekick. im 13 and uses an iphone. i want to experience something better than a iphone. and i really like aim. so i think for meh its better to communicate every where i go.

    I would be honor if hiptop3 supported me with any sidekick

  6. Eddie Gilbert Says:

    if i won a sidekick it would mean the world to me. i’ve always wanted one just couldnt aford one. please hook me up.

  7. labrina Says:

    if i won a sidekick it will mean sumthen 2 mii cuszz i want 1 nd i kant aford 1 nd my momsz kant eaither so i hope i win 1 plsz i want 1 even if it isz a slid jus plsz help me plsz

  8. jewels Says:


  9. jewels Says:

    can i please get one ill be so saddddddd if i dont im telling you if you give me a sidekick yuo have changed the game but im not going to stop bugging ever to i ge one and i have never had one ever so i would ike to have that experience

  10. lolly Says:

    i would reall ylove to have a side kick , i have seen them frequently in film sand on television, i live in england so there is not much chance for me to get one because they are not that popular here, pllease help me out!!!x

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