Gel Skins for your Sidekick LX

We just scoured through Amazon and collected all the Sidekick LX gel skins that we could find so you’d have one place to quickly and easily browse through them. Check out all the Sidekick LX gel skins.

5 Responses to “Gel Skins for your Sidekick LX”

  1. sdk4fiend Says:

    i love my lx but u gotta experiment i hope den things last!

  2. rosario Says:

    What about Gyvergear? They have snap on cases and gel skins

  3. Melissa Says:

    ok call me slow. but i am the only one who didnt kno that u could charge ur LX on the computer?

  4. sdk4fiend Says:

    slOw is not dat word dat means u neva plug it 2 da pc o wow do u neva change ur themes

  5. Ryan Yo Says:

    sdk4fiend on December 16, 2007 at 1:42 am said:

    slOw is not dat word dat means u neva plug it 2 da pc o wow do u neva change ur themes

    Here’s a translation for you Melissa:

    “Slow is not the word to which you should be referring to. What this means to me is that you have not yet made a USB connection between your T-Mobile Sidekick LX and your PC? Oh my goodness! Do you not ever update your themes?”

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