Sidekick 3 OTA 3.4 Rolls

Looks like the OTA is upon us. A couple of good ones in this update. Character count is back in SMS messages, MyFaves support, saving photos, and the ability to download themes from the catalog. Free themes are still possible though.
From Danger’s Help page:
Release 3.4 Over-the-Air Update for Sidekick 3 Users
This Over-the-Air Update contains the following new device features:
* Support for myFaves phone plan – If you sign up for T-Mobile’s myFaves plan, you will see a new “myFaves” application on your device. To add myFaves contacts, go into the application, press MENU and select either Add myFaves Contact (to add a new contact) or Add from Address Book (to add an existing contact). Read more in the myFaves help page.
* Download “themes” from the Catalog – You can use the themes you download as backgrounds to your application splash screens. To apply a downloaded theme as your background, press JUMP to go to the Jump screen. Then press MENU and select Backgrounds. In the submenu that opens, your downloaded themes will appear at the top of the list.
* Save photo attachments – You can save Email photo attachments to your device. To save a photo, open the message then scroll down to the photo attachment you want to save. Scroll down to just below the photo and select the Save to Album button. Your photo is saved to the Device Album in the Camera application.
* Text message character counter – As you compose a text message, you can see a running count of the characters you’ve typed against the message character limit. You’ll also see the number of SMS messages required to send what you’ve typed. For example, if you see “2 140/146” below the message you’re composing, it means you’ve typed enough characters to require two text messages. It also tells you that in the second message you’ve typed 140 characters against the limit of 146 characters.
Note: Not all characters count the same. Some characters count as two and therefore decrease how many characters you’re allowed in any one message. Also, the message limit varies depending on how many messages you’ve typed. Check the count/limit indicator (e.g., 140/146) to see where you stand.
Thanks to Brandon for the heads-up
March 22nd, 2007 at 2:23 pm
Has anyone got theirs yet? I haven’t gotten mine yet. Anyone knows when I should expect to get mine? I’m in VA.
April 2nd, 2007 at 1:28 am
but wasn’t the last update to 3.1? wheres 3.2, 3.3? lol
April 20th, 2007 at 10:40 pm
do any1 no when am i gonna gte it i liv in NJ and do any1 have it if u do send it to me 267 902 8963 thnxs
April 21st, 2007 at 12:22 pm
Its pretty much as the previous versions. I haven’t gotten mines yet, but my girlfriend hers sent the first week of april! I was kinda tight about it because the same day I was talking about it, out of no where she hit me up asking about an update sent to her. I was like dayum…me and my big mouth…lol. So still waiting on mine. Hopefully the sidekick 4 makes its move nicely.
January 7th, 2009 at 2:43 pm
My sidekick can’t update why