Sidekick Gekko Manual Leaked Early!
Someone at Danger has put up the Sidekick Gekko manual a little early for our Viewing pleasure. We have not had a chance to review this manual yet, but we will keep this post updated with anything that catches our eye about the Gekko and the Upcoming OTA for the LX (It’s pretty safe to assume they will have a similar (If not the same) OS.)
Sidekick Gekko Manual Manual has since been taken down.
Ok, so at a quick Inspection of the manual, Here’s what we’ve noticed.
(We assume everything mentioned here except where noted will apply to the Sidekick LX OTA as well.)
View Sender’s Online Status
If the sender of an email is one of your “friends” and is online in one of the instant messaging applications, the sender’s name will appear in bold green font and you will see an instant messaging smiley in the From field:
Videos can be transferred via Email (Upto 2mb) as well as MMS and Bluetooth.
Group Chat in AIM moves out of a Menu + Shift hidden shortcut and into an official feature.
Find Text Messages
You can open the Quick Find dialog box by pressing MENU F. Search for a text message by From, Date, and message body fields.
*This feature works everywhere, not just Text Messages.
Photos can be cropped on device.
Gekko will capture images at 1600×1200, 1280×1024, 640×480, or 320×240.
All videos are captured at 176×144 (We assume this applies to the Sidekick LX as well.)
Media files (Music and Videos) are transferrable via Bluetooth between your computer and between 2 hiptops (Kind of like Zune sharing, but no restrictions.)
Auto-Discard Messages When Mailbox Is Full
With this option selected, once your mailbox is full, the system will automatically make room for new messages by permanently discarding old messages, starting with messages in the Trash, then oldest messages in the Inbox and Sent folders. Messages in the Drafts folder and on the SIM card are never auto-discarded.
This is in the Text Message application – Thanks to Theicool for pointing it out.
You can set a basic alarm from the Alarm group box, one that repeats daily at a set time. If you want the alarm volume to be different from the sound profile setting, then select the Override Sound Profile check box and select the Alarm Volume button to make adjustments.
When the alarm sounds, a dialog box will appear, giving you the choice to snooze the alarm for 10 minutes, stop the alarm (it will sound again tomorrow), or stop and turn it off (it won’t sound tomorrow).
Note: The alarm will continue repeating every day at the set time until you explicitly turn it off from this Date, Time, & Alarm settings screen or from the Alarm dialog box.
Thanks to legacy for pointing this out
That’s all we noticed that wasn’t discussed in the new features of the OTA and the Gekko, and some things we went into more detail about. If you happen to notice anything we missed, please let us know via the comments section!
June 16th, 2008 at 12:55 pm
It seems like the same xcept the 2mp cam im still wonderin how this is a replacement for the sidekick id which the features match the sk lx so far its 2mp cam and customizable bumpers that the diff what if like ive said they took the sk id and sk lx and mashed it up….
June 16th, 2008 at 2:51 pm
POOF! I was looking at the manual and then it was gone!
June 16th, 2008 at 5:59 pm
How exciting!
June 16th, 2008 at 7:33 pm
I jusa saw the manual, I think its back up! And its going to have auto-discard messages when mailbox is full with txt messages! Finaly! Were not gana have to be deleteing them one by one!
June 16th, 2008 at 8:40 pm
To open the Date & Time screen, from the Jump screen, press MENU then select Settings > Date, Time, & Alarm.
You can set a basic alarm from the Alarm group box, one that repeats daily at a set time. If you want the alarm volume to be different from the sound profile setting, then select the Override Sound Profile check box and select the Alarm Volume button to make adjustments.
When the alarm sounds, a dialog box will appear, giving you the choice to snooze the alarm for 10 minutes, stop the alarm (it will sound again tomorrow), or stop and turn it off (it won’t sound tomorrow).
Note: The alarm will continue repeating every day at the set time until you explicitly turn it off from this Date, Time, & Alarm settings screen or from the Alarm dialog box.
June 16th, 2008 at 9:29 pm
What is the SKiD OS compared to the SK3? Was it lower, same, higher?
The gekko’s OS is 4.7 compared to the Slide’s 4.0 and the LX 4.4.
June 16th, 2008 at 11:32 pm
Its back up umm the sk lx says 4.6 in the manual with the ota so the gekko is 4.7
June 17th, 2008 at 1:19 am
Yup, the lx will be 4.6, the gekko is 4.7.. And here’s the manual for the LX 4.6
June 17th, 2008 at 4:14 am
Whats funny tho is is the gekko is 4.7 sk lx is 4.6 but soposedly the gekko is gonna be p210 where the lx is p250
June 17th, 2008 at 6:48 am
Yeah I realized that it will be 4.6 with the ota after I posted but didn’t bother to post an edit. I guess the extra .1 could just be because of the camera. But I don’t know, I wonder why its slightly higher. No big deal though
June 21st, 2008 at 3:39 pm
when is the gekko supposed to be released?
June 26th, 2008 at 9:12 pm
cool,, they posted this on my birthday [[june 16]] lOl