T-Mobile Sidekick Presents Nelly Live

T-Mobile is putting on a live concert from Nelly streamed straight to MySpace. To check it out, go to https://www.myspace.com/sidekick on Sept 4th at 9:30pm EST (6:30pm PST)

12 Responses to “T-Mobile Sidekick Presents Nelly Live”

  1. peter pan Says:

    this amazes me only black people are dumb enough to buy a sidekick
    i mean sidekicks are so annoying with all those noises hey kinda like
    black people noisey and annoying serendipity. go get an iphone

  2. malia Says:

    your wack black are not the only ones so i dont know where the hell you live but your so wrong you need a life foreal if you dont have one why the hell you on here thats lame lol

  3. roy Says:

    peter pan on September 5, 2008 at 11:16 am said:

    this amazes me only black people are dumb enough to buy a sidekick
    i mean sidekicks are so annoying with all those noises hey kinda like
    black people noisey and annoying serendipity. go get an iphone

    wow hoe get a life why would you come to a sidekick site and post get an iphone. It’s your personal preference of a phone the two of them are too different to even make a comparison.

    plus there are tons of touch screen phones that can murder the iphone now good way on dropping 3-500 on an obsolete locked up phone

  4. Anonymous Says:

    peter pan on September 5, 2008 at 11:16 am said:

    this amazes me only black people are dumb enough to buy a sidekick
    i mean sidekicks are so annoying with all those noises hey kinda like
    black people noisey and annoying serendipity. go get an iphone

    Whoa, that kind of stuff is best kept to yourself.

    On that note
    Theres a reason why people who have a Sidekick don’t have an iphone, and its not cause of price.

  5. wow Says:

    wow that 1st comment is so racist your saying sidekicks our for blacks and white people get iphones?? i dont know why the sidekick always get pointed to the urban youth at everything but yet again the iphone got the most problems today ppl gettin a 300bucks bphone aka brickphone and not a iphone today bekuz everytime a new update comes out for it due to high volume of people with the iphone everytime a update comes out it leads to a brick bekuz everyone trying download it at one time so you just wasted 300bucks aka 400-500bucks your paying kuz the bill its self runs you about 100bucks a month and thats with just 300mins i bet you everything that your iphone bill would be up to 800bucks in 3 months

  6. Peter pan's a fag Says:

    wow. Peter pan is a dumb shit fag. I’m white and it took a black guy to show me the VOLUME KEY ass hole. IPhone’s are fun but they are for shildish retards who can’t use buttons. Next time u wanna be racist and talk shit about a phone on its blog/fan site, make sure it cocks not in it mouth. Bitch!

  7. Leelaa000 Says:

    in any case, admin, you have not been twittering these updates lately.

  8. admin Says:

    @Leelaa000 Oops, looks like something broke. We’ve switched to a new way to update twitter. Now it should update as soon as we post something. Up to the second updates!

  9. crIpz ^ Says:

    Yo u bK^etter watch what cHu say mah nigga dead azz C^uase if i s33 U down da streetz ima ( well [omethings are bk^etter left un said) cRippppppPpppppp

  10. Anonymous Says:

    ohhhhhh my gosh your my dream boy i would love to meet ya really i would i love the song my place and dilemma those are my favorite songs really i love you your so cute see ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous Says:

    yeah about the sidekicks that first comment is way tooo uot of shed is he or she stupid

  12. ale Says:

    that first comment is bullshed fuck ya men black guys are the most cguys i love black guys theire hot men………… and im mexican fuck ya people

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