What Do You Think of the Sidekick 4G?

It’s out, a lot of you got one. What do you think? Did T-Mobile do the Sidekick name justice?

We’d love to hear your opinions, any tips you have for people, and what you think this means for the future of the Sidekick.

If you haven’t gotten a Sidekick 4G yet, what are you waiting for? They’re available on T-Mobile right now for only $99!

Buy a Sidekick 4G – Magenta

Buy a Sidekick 4G – Black

91 Responses to “What Do You Think of the Sidekick 4G?”

  1. aiden Says:

    I’m absolutely in love with it. Commenting from it now. 🙂

  2. sknws Says:

    So far so good but I am a bit concerned about very short battery time I am seeing so far. Other than that the extra buttons and optical mouse makes Android a lot more “acceptable” for me at least.

  3. Eunice Says:

    I really wanted to stay with new sidekick. But after losing a quater of my contacts, and then losing my data plan I had to move on. So now I’m with the Galaxy S and I’m loving it. There was no reason to stay with the sidekick.

  4. fugitiveALiEN Says:

    The new sidekick *IS* and Android phone just like the Galaxy S, but this one has a 5 row keyboard. Best keys around! To get the most out of your battery there are many background services that hog things up but try the Battery Doctor app. Use it to monitor your charges. Best method is full charge, full drain, repeat. https://market.android.com/details?id=net.lepeng.batterydoctor&feature=search_result

  5. J. Ross Says:

    Seriously, buy it. It’s everything we wanted. Only complaint is weak camera. But who needs it. Keyboard skeets on ANY OTHER keyboard ANY phone has. It’s the absolute best. I’m infatuated with mine.

  6. vote die bitch Says:

    Played with the Kick 4G for 2 days, then took that shit back, that’s not a sidekick. The G1 was better.

  7. M. Giron Says:

    I played around with it at the T-Mobile store and I have to say I LOVE it! I’m definitley getting it! I was very skeptical of Samsung manufacturing one iconic device but they did their homework and it truly does live up to the sidekick name, now for the 2nd generation it’ll have to continue the legacy!

  8. M. Giron Says:

    By the way Hiptop3 when are you finally gonna give the website a refresh witht he sidekick 4G? the site design is getting long in the tooth…

  9. Choco Cookies Says:

    Does it have “Silent” and the 3 Notifcation Lights like the previous?

  10. ncmacasl Says:

    @Choco Cookies – It has LED notifications on screen (near Jump key when screen is closed) that can be assigned in 4 different colors for 4 different functions.

  11. kick Says:

    the sidekick 4g is just incredible….a must buy for sidekick fans

  12. DJ McNutty Says:

    A week into using the phone, like someone previously said, it’s everything previous sidekick users were asking for. Android with apps, nearly the same keyboard with jump shortcuts!!!, touch screen and wifi, hspa21+ etc. My biggest complaint is the missing alt key on the right side means it takes longer to write an exclamation point! I’m sure as the community grows and gripes, this will be a simple fix in functionality (the shift keys).

    From the looks of it, Samsung / T-Mobile may have intentionally left out things like better camera, flash, dual processor to make way for a sidekick lineup like in previous years (SK LX, SK LX 09, Gekko) better specs, cheaper prices, longer contracts and partial upgrades = more money. There’s no need to wait, this Sidekick is more than enough for previous sk users.

    Last but not least, hiptop3 needs to get some accessories for these things!!! Pronto

  13. pboy Says:

    Honestly, its a decent device. Samsung and T-Mobile did an excellent job with it. I’ve had the sk2,sk3,sklx and the sk08, and the sk4g makes them seem like toys. With that said, I’m prolly gonna sell mines soon. I have a nexus s as well and idk why, but I just prefer it over my sk4g. Maybe it’s the nexus s thinner profile and bigger screen, and that it is less laggy, idk. But regardless of my situation ….the sk4g is an excellent device and is a steal at $100( or even are $370(full retail)

  14. Jay T Says:

    First off it is not $99. It is $150 for new customers w/2-year contract. And $50 mail in rebate. The battery sucks and takes 5 hours or more to charge with the USB, the wall charger takes at least 3 hrs. or more. I had the Sidekick since the the second one & T-Mobile showed me no love! Where the hell is the loyality? They want me to spend over $300. I could do without the touch screen. Love the speech to text. It reads text out loud. Only time will tell but I have 2 more years to find out since I had to open a new line to get mine for $150.

  15. pboy Says:

    I’ve had excellent battery life but yea its $100 after the mail in rebate

  16. man Says:

    Getting mine tomorrow morning. Ill let yall know wassup asap.

  17. itsNobi Says:

    sknws on April 25, 2011 at 9:58 pm said:

    So far so good but I am a bit concerned about very short battery time I am seeing so far. Other than that the extra buttons and optical mouse makes Android a lot more “acceptable” for me at least.

    Really? I have FANTASTIC battery life. I can get 8 hours with ease, and when the break in period ends, I s’pose a 6 hour battery is good, too. Do you have the screen bright as opposed to auto? Are you using apps with no push notifications?

    Eunice on April 25, 2011 at 10:05 pm said:

    I really wanted to stay with new sidekick. But after losing a quater of my contacts, and then losing my data plan I had to move on. So now I’m with the Galaxy S and I’m loving it. There was no reason to stay with the sidekick.

    Essentially you have the sidekick….without the keyboard and skin. The internals are, give or take, identical. You played yourself, lol.

    DJ McNutty on April 26, 2011 at 4:29 pm said:

    A week into using the phone, like someone previously said, it’s everything previous sidekick users were asking for. Android with apps, nearly the same keyboard with jump shortcuts!!!, touch screen and wifi, hspa21+ etc. My biggest complaint is the missing alt key on the right side means it takes longer to write an exclamation point! I’m sure as the community grows and gripes, this will be a simple fix in functionality (the shift keys).

    From the looks of it, Samsung / T-Mobile may have intentionally left out things like better camera, flash, dual processor to make way for a sidekick lineup like in previous years (SK LX, SK LX 09, Gekko) better specs, cheaper prices, longer contracts and partial upgrades = more money. There’s no need to wait, this Sidekick is more than enough for previous sk users.

    Last but not least, hiptop3 needs to get some accessories for these things!!! Pronto

    I agree. But it was so miniscule I keep forgetting that this is the only thing I hate. That and the comma is on the left of the spacebar….and lastly, ONLY the MMS messenger can use the smiley key…smh…..

  18. itsNobi Says:


  19. B Says:

    Anyone have issue with the SMS/MMS? When one sends me pictures, it is forever downloading.

  20. Spykedjadedragon Says:

    I’ve said it before (last post), but I’ll say it again: The Sidekick 4G is awesome! I love the fact that it’s android because you get awesome apps now, not that boring crap in the old Sidekick app store, you get a unique interesting UI (everything looks polished), and the keyboard is great!
    It seriously is 98% of what sidekickers were clamoring for!

    There are a few cons though: Battery life IS short, I charge mine at work AND at home. I really DO wish there was another Alt key on the right side, exclamation point! And I miss the hinge sounds 🙁

    But all in all, the phone is GREAT. My iPhone 4 is gathering dust now lol

  21. omie Says:

    dam….this the sidekick of my dreams….but sadly i’ve moved on to a BB torch =/ …..always love sidekicks forever though!

  22. sknws Says:

    M. Giron on April 26, 2011 at 12:15 pm said:

    By the way Hiptop3 when are you finally gonna give the website a refresh witht he sidekick 4G? the site design is getting long in the tooth…

    You mean like this http://www.sknws.com ? 😉

  23. sknws Says:

    ncmacasl on April 26, 2011 at 3:03 pm said:

    @Choco Cookies – It has LED notifications on screen (near Jump key when screen is closed) that can be assigned in 4 different colors for 4 different functions.

    But for instance email one only works with default email app, also doesn’t keep on flashing like old SK did 🙁 only ONCE A MINUTE, sorta pointless if you ask me…


  24. man Says:

    Get this SK if u ever had a Sidekick before. In 6 weeks u get $50 back so you only pay $79 for it lol. Im still checking it out brb. Dueces.

  25. TrollSeason Says:

    Sidekicks are for homosexuals.

  26. Nikki Says:

    I got mine but they made me go crazy for it. I was on the phone with customer service everyday for 5 days just to have the correct pricing, they tried to charge me nearly 400 dollars, they tried to give me some 40 dollar ulimited data/net/text plan, and after fighting with them, and haveing to return one phone, i finally got it in, and i feel like i have no idea what to do with it. I dont like how if i leave a website and come back it just refreshes itself or its on a new website because of something else i did on the phone, i cant seem to find out how to change the defult ring tone to something i dled, but can change individual ones, facebook on this phone doesnt stay at the site i choose it to, i dont like that i wasnt able to keep my tmail, when they could have easily given it, microsoft didnt own that. I hate how there is only one alt button, and no “cancel” key. The recent apps button feels pointless. why cant it be like the old sks,, where there is a set list so i know that everytime i click it i have my web, text, mail, notes etc.. right there, i dont like having to flick through pages back and forth … i do really love the apps, the screen is great, and so is the key board.. i just am so on the fence with it right now.

  27. B Says:

    B on April 27, 2011 at 2:03 pm said:

    Anyone have issue with the SMS/MMS? When one sends me pictures, it is forever downloading.

    Seems that the problem is resolved that I had to pull the SIM card out then back in. I guess they didn’t give me the 4G SIM card.

  28. sknws Says:

    TrollSeason on April 28, 2011 at 12:20 am said:

    Sidekicks are for homosexuals.

    …and you’re on this Sidekick blog because..? 🙂

  29. sknws Says:

    itsNobi on April 27, 2011 at 9:41 am said:

    sknws on April 25, 2011 at 9:58 pm said:

    So far so good but I am a bit concerned about very short battery time I am seeing so far. Other than that the extra buttons and optical mouse makes Android a lot more “acceptable” for me at least.

    Really? I have FANTASTIC battery life. I can get 8 hours with ease, and when the break in period ends, I s’pose a 6 hour battery is good, too. Do you have the screen bright as opposed to auto? Are you using apps with no push notifications?

    Eunice on April 25, 2011 at 10:05 pm said:

    I really wanted to stay with new sidekick. But after losing a quater of my contacts, and then losing my data plan I had to move on. So now I’m with the Galaxy S and I’m loving it. There was no reason to stay with the sidekick.

    Essentially you have the sidekick….without the keyboard and skin. The internals are, give or take, identical. You played yourself, lol.

    DJ McNutty on April 26, 2011 at 4:29 pm said:

    A week into using the phone, like someone previously said, it’s everything previous sidekick users were asking for. Android with apps, nearly the same keyboard with jump shortcuts!!!, touch screen and wifi, hspa21+ etc. My biggest complaint is the missing alt key on the right side means it takes longer to write an exclamation point! I’m sure as the community grows and gripes, this will be a simple fix in functionality (the shift keys).

    From the looks of it, Samsung / T-Mobile may have intentionally left out things like better camera, flash, dual processor to make way for a sidekick lineup like in previous years (SK LX, SK LX 09, Gekko) better specs, cheaper prices, longer contracts and partial upgrades = more money. There’s no need to wait, this Sidekick is more than enough for previous sk users.

    Last but not least, hiptop3 needs to get some accessories for these things!!! Pronto

    I agree. But it was so miniscule I keep forgetting that this is the only thing I hate. That and the comma is on the left of the spacebar….and lastly, ONLY the MMS messenger can use the smiley key…smh…..

    First off the 0.7A charger it comes with is a joke. Should be around double that which is what similarly powered devices have.

    Yes I can get up to 8 hours too, if I use hardly nothing of the features I want/need the Sidekick for. For instance Skype (no I don’t call on it all day but keep it on and chat) and AIM and I do plenty of emails. Screen is on auto but I changed it to 2mins. I use K9 email and use IMAP so push email.

    I also use an iPhone4 (still my 2nd phone) but I am seriously looking to *maybe* return my SK. I love the KB and the jump settings and frankly it is the nicest Android experience I have had, but I have to say that the things I can do on Android (for instance Dolphin browser for full pages) makes me want a bigger screen. While I have advocated the SK keyboard for years now all over the web, I am starting to re-consider my choice. Part of this I must add is the $80+ I will end up paying for this one single line I still have on TMo. If I would have a family plan there still it could be different. So my choice is NOT only SK related but the whole setup with how operator operate in the US currently, with highway robbery (compared to the rest of the so called western hemisphere).

  30. sknws Says:

    Nikki on April 28, 2011 at 6:15 am said:

    I got mine but they made me go crazy for it. I was on the phone with customer service everyday for 5 days just to have the correct pricing, they tried to charge me nearly 400 dollars, they tried to give me some 40 dollar ulimited data/net/text plan, and after fighting with them, and haveing to return one phone, i finally got it in, and i feel like i have no idea what to do with it. I dont like how if i leave a website and come back it just refreshes itself or its on a new website because of something else i did on the phone, i cant seem to find out how to change the defult ring tone to something i dled, but can change individual ones, facebook on this phone doesnt stay at the site i choose it to, i dont like that i wasnt able to keep my tmail, when they could have easily given it, microsoft didnt own that. I hate how there is only one alt button, and no “cancel” key. The recent apps button feels pointless. why cant it be like the old sks,, where there is a set list so i know that everytime i click it i have my web, text, mail, notes etc.. right there, i dont like having to flick through pages back and forth … i do really love the apps, the screen is great, and so is the key board.. i just am so on the fence with it right now.

    Have you tried using other browsers? Check the MARKET (jump K) to look up DOLPHIN browser, I love that one because of it’s fullscreen and desktop settings and also tab. But it can be a little small on this 3.5″ screen. I frankly personally prefer to use FB on the browser vs the app, I also believe that the more of these FB/Twitter etc apps you keep running the worse your battery is of course..

  31. sknws Says:

    itsNobi on April 27, 2011 at 9:41 am said:

    sknws on April 25, 2011 at 9:58 pm said:

    So far so good but I am a bit concerned about very short battery time I am seeing so far. Other than that the extra buttons and optical mouse makes Android a lot more “acceptable” for me at least.

    Really? I have FANTASTIC battery life. I can get 8 hours with ease, and when the break in period ends, I s’pose a 6 hour battery is good, too. Do you have the screen bright as opposed to auto? Are you using apps with no push notifications?

    Eunice on April 25, 2011 at 10:05 pm said:

    I really wanted to stay with new sidekick. But after losing a quater of my contacts, and then losing my data plan I had to move on. So now I’m with the Galaxy S and I’m loving it. There was no reason to stay with the sidekick.

    Essentially you have the sidekick….without the keyboard and skin. The internals are, give or take, identical. You played yourself, lol.

    DJ McNutty on April 26, 2011 at 4:29 pm said:

    A week into using the phone, like someone previously said, it’s everything previous sidekick users were asking for. Android with apps, nearly the same keyboard with jump shortcuts!!!, touch screen and wifi, hspa21+ etc. My biggest complaint is the missing alt key on the right side means it takes longer to write an exclamation point! I’m sure as the community grows and gripes, this will be a simple fix in functionality (the shift keys).

    From the looks of it, Samsung / T-Mobile may have intentionally left out things like better camera, flash, dual processor to make way for a sidekick lineup like in previous years (SK LX, SK LX 09, Gekko) better specs, cheaper prices, longer contracts and partial upgrades = more money. There’s no need to wait, this Sidekick is more than enough for previous sk users.

    Last but not least, hiptop3 needs to get some accessories for these things!!! Pronto

    I agree. But it was so miniscule I keep forgetting that this is the only thing I hate. That and the comma is on the left of the spacebar….and lastly, ONLY the MMS messenger can use the smiley key…smh…..

    I just noticed that battery time is what seems to get the least positive reviews here:


    So I must not be that “off” with my impression 🙂 yes I do believe rooting it and “cleaning out” a bunch of the bloatware might help, so it might not be a SK issue as such but a “what Samsung added on TMo’s behalf” issue!

  32. sknws Says:

    man on April 27, 2011 at 10:26 pm said:

    Get this SK if u ever had a Sidekick before. In 6 weeks u get $50 back so you only pay $79 for it lol. Im still checking it out brb. Dueces.

    The advertised price is $99 but it’s $150 (with a $50 MIR) now I am not sure how many states do this but here in California we end up paying sales tax off the FULL PRICE that is almost 10% off the $379 price so some $35 or so. So out the door for me with upgrade and all it was going to be close to $200 (with $50 back later yes!)

    But I was able to get a “$100 credit” that means the split up $100 over 3 months of bills, so I am thinking I should have the MIR by then since the 3 month split up doesn’t start before after the 30-day return policy is over.

    Having said that with all this I paid $100.12 the day I got the phone (in the store) April 20th.

  33. Goliath Says:

    I really want to like the Sidekick 4G.

    I absolutely LOVE the keyboard and the jump shortcuts for fast app switching, but I find the Android operating system to be kind of a mess. Both the Danger OS and iOS have the advantage of being designed for a specific hardware configuration, which allows for several big advantages: Standardization, integration, and optimization.

    Since Android is designed to be more generic, so it can work on multiple hardware configurations, the resulting user experience is less desirable. Some apps work in landscape mode, some don’t; Some apps recognize the physical keyboard as soon as you start typing, other require you to touch the screen first; The address book isn’t seamlessly integrated into the phone and text messaging apps; Auto-correct works in most apps but not all (and no spell check? Seriously?!); Sometimes switching between apps leaves you were you left off, other times it doesn’t; Keyboard menu shortcuts are not always present, are inconsistent from app to app, and I can’t seem to find any kind of help/about menu that would list them all (if any)

    Some of these may seem petty to some people here, but in my mind a lot of these things were what made a Sidekick a Sidekick. This is just an Android with a REALLY nice keyboard, but the magic is definitely gone.

  34. sknws Says:

    Goliath on April 28, 2011 at 10:14 am said:

    I really want to like the Sidekick 4G.

    I absolutely LOVE the keyboard and the jump shortcuts for fast app switching, but I find the Android operating system to be kind of a mess. Both the Danger OS and iOS have the advantage of being designed for a specific hardware configuration, which allows for several big advantages: Standardization, integration, and optimization.

    Since Android is designed to be more generic, so it can work on multiple hardware configurations, the resulting user experience is less desirable. Some apps work in landscape mode, some don’t; Some apps recognize the physical keyboard as soon as you start typing, other require you to touch the screen first; The address book isn’t seamlessly integrated into the phone and text messaging apps; Auto-correct works in most apps but not all (and no spell check? Seriously?!); Sometimes switching between apps leaves you were you left off, other times it doesn’t; Keyboard menu shortcuts are not always present, are inconsistent from app to app, and I can’t seem to find any kind of help/about menu that would list them all (if any)

    Some of these may seem petty to some people here, but in my mind a lot of these things were what made a Sidekick a Sidekick. This is just an Android with a REALLY nice keyboard, but the magic is definitely gone.

    I fully agree, Android is sorta a mess, or as I tend to call it “ready to bake” like that Pizza you bring home and finish yourself. Same applies with Android, in order to get it to be like you want it to be you HAVE TO add this & that, for instance simple things I had to add apps for SCREEN SHOT & BATTERY %. Whenever you decide to add an app you have to do research online since the Android market is full of worthless stuff too, and also fake prgs that are out to get your info 🙁 (maybe better now but was bad for a while).

    Yes also many apps are designed to work in portrait mainly or even only (like for me Skype and speedtest app by Okla) while it works fine on the SK too since it rotates it is annoying and gives you that “half baked” impression. On skype let me note that the portrait only applies to when you look at a profile. But also the BUILT IN PHONE “APP” on the SK is PORTRAIT ONLY, that is a silly thing!

    Yep I also agree 100% on the recognizing of the physical KB, you have to learn what happens where and how, which I think was one of the strong sides of the original SKs that you KNEW what buttons did what EVERYWHERE!

    Oh the spell/autocorrect is one MAJOR thing that gets to me, since in Android (I learned) it’s totally different setup for OSK (on screen kb) and the physical one! VERY LIMITED options on the phys KB and well since that’s what one uses on the SK mainly…

    I totally second your last statement!!

    “in my mind a lot of these things were what made a Sidekick a Sidekick. This is just an Android with a REALLY nice keyboard, but the magic is definitely gone.”

    Agreed 100%!! The KB is fantastic (well compared to any still current available devices, that excludes prev SKs) but am I willing to pay $80+ /month for a GREAT KEYBOARD on an OS I have to FORCE MYSELF TO LIKE?? NO!

    I am seriously looking to switch over my main (SK) nr to my 2nd line (w/ATT & iPhone4) and use my Tmo line with a Galaxy Tab. That will cost me HALF the amount a month, will give me at least triple the battery time, and will have a 7″ screen which is nicer I think, I will just loose the great KB!

  35. Goliath Says:

    sknws on April 28, 2011 at 11:17 am said:

    Goliath on April 28, 2011 at 10:14 am said:

    I really want to like the Sidekick 4G.

    I absolutely LOVE the keyboard and the jump shortcuts for fast app switching, but I find the Android operating system to be kind of a mess. Both the Danger OS and iOS have the advantage of being designed for a specific hardware configuration, which allows for several big advantages: Standardization, integration, and optimization.

    Since Android is designed to be more generic, so it can work on multiple hardware configurations, the resulting user experience is less desirable. Some apps work in landscape mode, some don’t; Some apps recognize the physical keyboard as soon as you start typing, other require you to touch the screen first; The address book isn’t seamlessly integrated into the phone and text messaging apps; Auto-correct works in most apps but not all (and no spell check? Seriously?!); Sometimes switching between apps leaves you were you left off, other times it doesn’t; Keyboard menu shortcuts are not always present, are inconsistent from app to app, and I can’t seem to find any kind of help/about menu that would list them all (if any)

    Some of these may seem petty to some people here, but in my mind a lot of these things were what made a Sidekick a Sidekick. This is just an Android with a REALLY nice keyboard, but the magic is definitely gone.

    I fully agree, Android is sorta a mess, or as I tend to call it “ready to bake” like that Pizza you bring home and finish yourself. Same applies with Android, in order to get it to be like you want it to be you HAVE TO add this & that, for instance simple things I had to add apps for SCREEN SHOT & BATTERY %. Whenever you decide to add an app you have to do research online since the Android market is full of worthless stuff too, and also fake prgs that are out to get your info 🙁 (maybe better now but was bad for a while).

    Yes also many apps are designed to work in portrait mainly or even only (like for me Skype and speedtest app by Okla) while it works fine on the SK too since it rotates it is annoying and gives you that “half baked” impression. On skype let me note that the portrait only applies to when you look at a profile. But also the BUILT IN PHONE “APP” on the SK is PORTRAIT ONLY, that is a silly thing!

    Yep I also agree 100% on the recognizing of the physical KB, you have to learn what happens where and how, which I think was one of the strong sides of the original SKs that you KNEW what buttons did what EVERYWHERE!

    Oh the spell/autocorrect is one MAJOR thing that gets to me, since in Android (I learned) it’s totally different setup for OSK (on screen kb) and the physical one! VERY LIMITED options on the phys KB and well since that’s what one uses on the SK mainly…

    I totally second your last statement!!

    “in my mind a lot of these things were what made a Sidekick a Sidekick. This is just an Android with a REALLY nice keyboard, but the magic is definitely gone.”

    Agreed 100%!! The KB is fantastic (well compared to any still current available devices, that excludes prev SKs) but am I willing to pay $80+ /month for a GREAT KEYBOARD on an OS I have to FORCE MYSELF TO LIKE?? NO!

    I am seriously looking to switch over my main (SK) nr to my 2nd line (w/ATT & iPhone4) and use my Tmo line with a Galaxy Tab. That will cost me HALF the amount a month, will give me at least triple the battery time, and will have a 7″ screen which is nicer I think, I will just loose the great KB!

    I’m still not sure what to do. I know I have 30 days to return the Sidekick if I want, but I don’t know if I’m stuck with the new contract renewal (and would have to pay an ETF to get out of it). I’m kind of leaning towards the iPhone (I really love my iPod touch and everything else is Android which, as we both agree, is a mess) but even that comes with some heavy decisions…

    Do I pay $80/mo for unlimited everything on a device I have to force myself to like?
    Or do I pay $90+/mo for LIMITED everything on a device I’ll most likely love?

  36. no Says:

    itsNobi on April 27, 2011 at 9:41 am said:

    sknws on April 25, 2011 at 9:58 pm said:

    So far so good but I am a bit concerned about very short battery time I am seeing so far. Other than that the extra buttons and optical mouse makes Android a lot more “acceptable” for me at least.

    Really? I have FANTASTIC battery life. I can get 8 hours with ease, and when the break in period ends, I s’pose a 6 hour battery is good, too. Do you have the screen bright as opposed to auto? Are you using apps with no push notifications?

    Eunice on April 25, 2011 at 10:05 pm said:

    I really wanted to stay with new sidekick. But after losing a quater of my contacts, and then losing my data plan I had to move on. So now I’m with the Galaxy S and I’m loving it. There was no reason to stay with the sidekick.

    Essentially you have the sidekick….without the keyboard and skin. The internals are, give or take, identical. You played yourself, lol.

    DJ McNutty on April 26, 2011 at 4:29 pm said:

    A week into using the phone, like someone previously said, it’s everything previous sidekick users were asking for. Android with apps, nearly the same keyboard with jump shortcuts!!!, touch screen and wifi, hspa21+ etc. My biggest complaint is the missing alt key on the right side means it takes longer to write an exclamation point! I’m sure as the community grows and gripes, this will be a simple fix in functionality (the shift keys).

    From the looks of it, Samsung / T-Mobile may have intentionally left out things like better camera, flash, dual processor to make way for a sidekick lineup like in previous years (SK LX, SK LX 09, Gekko) better specs, cheaper prices, longer contracts and partial upgrades = more money. There’s no need to wait, this Sidekick is more than enough for previous sk users.

    Last but not least, hiptop3 needs to get some accessories for these things!!! Pronto

    I agree. But it was so miniscule I keep forgetting that this is the only thing I hate. That and the comma is on the left of the spacebar….and lastly, ONLY the MMS messenger can use the smiley key…smh…..

    This is wrong.. you meant essentially yu guys dont have sidekicks.. you have a samsung android phone that was made to mimmick the hardware of a hiptop with a custom ui on top of it to mimmick the danger software. so he has another android phone(galaxy s) with the touchwiz ui that mimmicks the iphone software and you have a samsung android with the name sidekick on it. 🙂

  37. NVONSHATS Says:

    I played with it to see if i wanted it or the g2x……I ended up with the g2x. this in no way other than the keyboard feel like a sidekick(i should know since i had owned and i count 21 sidekick with 3 still in workable condition). i am not a fan of a android mixed sidekick the screen shouldnt be touch and i dont like the reformat of the buttons or the lack of a track balll

  38. Nikki Says:

    sknws on April 28, 2011 at 9:10 am said:

    Nikki on April 28, 2011 at 6:15 am said:

    I got mine but they made me go crazy for it. I was on the phone with customer service everyday for 5 days just to have the correct pricing, they tried to charge me nearly 400 dollars, they tried to give me some 40 dollar ulimited data/net/text plan, and after fighting with them, and haveing to return one phone, i finally got it in, and i feel like i have no idea what to do with it. I dont like how if i leave a website and come back it just refreshes itself or its on a new website because of something else i did on the phone, i cant seem to find out how to change the defult ring tone to something i dled, but can change individual ones, facebook on this phone doesnt stay at the site i choose it to, i dont like that i wasnt able to keep my tmail, when they could have easily given it, microsoft didnt own that. I hate how there is only one alt button, and no “cancel” key. The recent apps button feels pointless. why cant it be like the old sks,, where there is a set list so i know that everytime i click it i have my web, text, mail, notes etc.. right there, i dont like having to flick through pages back and forth … i do really love the apps, the screen is great, and so is the key board.. i just am so on the fence with it right now.

    Have you tried using other browsers? Check the MARKET (jump K) to look up DOLPHIN browser, I love that one because of it’s fullscreen and desktop settings and also tab. But it can be a little small on this 3.5″ screen. I frankly personally prefer to use FB on the browser vs the app, I also believe that the more of these FB/Twitter etc apps you keep running the worse your battery is of course..

    i downloaded firefox and i am more pleased now.

  39. sknws Says:

    Goliath on April 28, 2011 at 1:49 pm said:

    sknws on April 28, 2011 at 11:17 am said:

    Goliath on April 28, 2011 at 10:14 am said:

    I really want to like the Sidekick 4G.

    I absolutely LOVE the keyboard and the jump shortcuts for fast app switching, but I find the Android operating system to be kind of a mess. Both the Danger OS and iOS have the advantage of being designed for a specific hardware configuration, which allows for several big advantages: Standardization, integration, and optimization.

    Since Android is designed to be more generic, so it can work on multiple hardware configurations, the resulting user experience is less desirable. Some apps work in landscape mode, some don’t; Some apps recognize the physical keyboard as soon as you start typing, other require you to touch the screen first; The address book isn’t seamlessly integrated into the phone and text messaging apps; Auto-correct works in most apps but not all (and no spell check? Seriously?!); Sometimes switching between apps leaves you were you left off, other times it doesn’t; Keyboard menu shortcuts are not always present, are inconsistent from app to app, and I can’t seem to find any kind of help/about menu that would list them all (if any)

    Some of these may seem petty to some people here, but in my mind a lot of these things were what made a Sidekick a Sidekick. This is just an Android with a REALLY nice keyboard, but the magic is definitely gone.

    I fully agree, Android is sorta a mess, or as I tend to call it “ready to bake” like that Pizza you bring home and finish yourself. Same applies with Android, in order to get it to be like you want it to be you HAVE TO add this & that, for instance simple things I had to add apps for SCREEN SHOT & BATTERY %. Whenever you decide to add an app you have to do research online since the Android market is full of worthless stuff too, and also fake prgs that are out to get your info 🙁 (maybe better now but was bad for a while).

    Yes also many apps are designed to work in portrait mainly or even only (like for me Skype and speedtest app by Okla) while it works fine on the SK too since it rotates it is annoying and gives you that “half baked” impression. On skype let me note that the portrait only applies to when you look at a profile. But also the BUILT IN PHONE “APP” on the SK is PORTRAIT ONLY, that is a silly thing!

    Yep I also agree 100% on the recognizing of the physical KB, you have to learn what happens where and how, which I think was one of the strong sides of the original SKs that you KNEW what buttons did what EVERYWHERE!

    Oh the spell/autocorrect is one MAJOR thing that gets to me, since in Android (I learned) it’s totally different setup for OSK (on screen kb) and the physical one! VERY LIMITED options on the phys KB and well since that’s what one uses on the SK mainly…

    I totally second your last statement!!

    “in my mind a lot of these things were what made a Sidekick a Sidekick. This is just an Android with a REALLY nice keyboard, but the magic is definitely gone.”

    Agreed 100%!! The KB is fantastic (well compared to any still current available devices, that excludes prev SKs) but am I willing to pay $80+ /month for a GREAT KEYBOARD on an OS I have to FORCE MYSELF TO LIKE?? NO!

    I am seriously looking to switch over my main (SK) nr to my 2nd line (w/ATT & iPhone4) and use my Tmo line with a Galaxy Tab. That will cost me HALF the amount a month, will give me at least triple the battery time, and will have a 7″ screen which is nicer I think, I will just loose the great KB!

    I’m still not sure what to do. I know I have 30 days to return the Sidekick if I want, but I don’t know if I’m stuck with the new contract renewal (and would have to pay an ETF to get out of it). I’m kind of leaning towards the iPhone (I really love my iPod touch and everything else is Android which, as we both agree, is a mess) but even that comes with some heavy decisions…

    Do I pay $80/mo for unlimited everything on a device I have to force myself to like?
    Or do I pay $90+/mo for LIMITED everything on a device I’ll most likely love?

    You don’t have to pay anything but $10 “restocking fee” within the 30days (I don’t think its 30days in all states?)

    I unfortunately will be returning mine, I just like you would WANT TO LOVE it but just can’t it’s not as you put it the same magic! I ordered my Galaxy tab yesterday and going to have it on the $39.99 2GB package…half the price etc etc…

  40. sknws Says:


    NO ETF needed when you cancel before 30days (in my state but 2weeks in some states)

  41. sknws Says:

    NVONSHATS on April 28, 2011 at 10:18 pm said:

    I played with it to see if i wanted it or the g2x……I ended up with the g2x. this in no way other than the keyboard feel like a sidekick(i should know since i had owned and i count 21 sidekick with 3 still in workable condition). i am not a fan of a android mixed sidekick the screen shouldnt be touch and i dont like the reformat of the buttons or the lack of a track balll

    I fully agree!!

  42. eLNene Says:

    the sidekick android 4g is amazing. its a whole change from the whole danger system. i love the fact i can turn it into a hotspot and it has the camera in the front and back of the phone. love the shortcuts and the video chat. in all reality idk why they called it a sidekick when the only thing that is sidekick on the phone is the body of the phone cause everything else is like having a nexus meet g1 in a sidekick… this phone is like a evolution of all sidekicks lmao… its a must get even if your not a teen….

  43. NOOBAMA2012 Says:

    sknws on April 29, 2011 at 2:27 pm said:

    NVONSHATS on April 28, 2011 at 10:18 pm said:

    I played with it to see if i wanted it or the g2x……I ended up with the g2x. this in no way other than the keyboard feel like a sidekick(i should know since i had owned and i count 21 sidekick with 3 still in workable condition). i am not a fan of a android mixed sidekick the screen shouldnt be touch and i dont like the reformat of the buttons or the lack of a track balll

    I fully agree!!

    Thank You, finally someone else who’s not kissing this new sidekicks a*s

  44. sknws Says:

    eLNene on April 30, 2011 at 8:51 am said:

    the sidekick android 4g is amazing. its a whole change from the whole danger system. i love the fact i can turn it into a hotspot and it has the camera in the front and back of the phone. love the shortcuts and the video chat. in all reality idk why they called it a sidekick when the only thing that is sidekick on the phone is the body of the phone cause everything else is like having a nexus meet g1 in a sidekick… this phone is like a evolution of all sidekicks lmao… its a must get even if your not a teen….

    Well yeah “why call it a sidekick” when it’s only “the body of the phone”….well so what should *ALL* Android phones with different HW (hardware) be called? Google-Phone? 🙂 I mean bottom line all Android phones differ (mainly) on HW. In actuality the SK4G does differ even on the OS more than most Android phones do, for good and/or bad(?).

  45. LoSo Says:

    i don’t really care what anyone says..it has it’s cons..but i always wanted a andriod phone with a keypad like the SK! im very happy with it..i wouldv’e loved if they had some kinda pure google exp. os rather than the one they have but it works! all this phone needed to make it a PERFECT phone in my eyes (for the moment) is a BETTER camera! 3mp is a good one but it doesn’t even have a flash…i hope they come out with one better and with a good camera in the future!

  46. itsNobi Says:

    no on April 28, 2011 at 5:58 pm said:

    itsNobi on April 27, 2011 at 9:41 am said:

    sknws on April 25, 2011 at 9:58 pm said:

    So far so good but I am a bit concerned about very short battery time I am seeing so far. Other than that the extra buttons and optical mouse makes Android a lot more “acceptable” for me at least.

    Really? I have FANTASTIC battery life. I can get 8 hours with ease, and when the break in period ends, I s’pose a 6 hour battery is good, too. Do you have the screen bright as opposed to auto? Are you using apps with no push notifications?

    Eunice on April 25, 2011 at 10:05 pm said:

    I really wanted to stay with new sidekick. But after losing a quater of my contacts, and then losing my data plan I had to move on. So now I’m with the Galaxy S and I’m loving it. There was no reason to stay with the sidekick.

    Essentially you have the sidekick….without the keyboard and skin. The internals are, give or take, identical. You played yourself, lol.

    DJ McNutty on April 26, 2011 at 4:29 pm said:

    A week into using the phone, like someone previously said, it’s everything previous sidekick users were asking for. Android with apps, nearly the same keyboard with jump shortcuts!!!, touch screen and wifi, hspa21+ etc. My biggest complaint is the missing alt key on the right side means it takes longer to write an exclamation point! I’m sure as the community grows and gripes, this will be a simple fix in functionality (the shift keys).

    From the looks of it, Samsung / T-Mobile may have intentionally left out things like better camera, flash, dual processor to make way for a sidekick lineup like in previous years (SK LX, SK LX 09, Gekko) better specs, cheaper prices, longer contracts and partial upgrades = more money. There’s no need to wait, this Sidekick is more than enough for previous sk users.

    Last but not least, hiptop3 needs to get some accessories for these things!!! Pronto

    I agree. But it was so miniscule I keep forgetting that this is the only thing I hate. That and the comma is on the left of the spacebar….and lastly, ONLY the MMS messenger can use the smiley key…smh…..

    This is wrong.. you meant essentially yu guys dont have sidekicks.. you have a samsung android phone that was made to mimmick the hardware of a hiptop with a custom ui on top of it to mimmick the danger software. so he has another android phone(galaxy s) with the touchwiz ui that mimmicks the iphone software and you have a samsung android with the name sidekick on it. 🙂

    No I meant sidekick. You said yourself its made to mimick the hiptop. A sidekick and hiptop for all intensivee purposes are two completely devices. A fact made more concrete by this devices existence (albeit by namesake/formfactor) after Microsoft’s fuckery.

  47. itsNobi Says:

    I was surprised that r can’t be used as a jump shortcut, cause its perm set as a reset cue. I have a habit of pushing jump+whatever key I feel my app should have, and if its not set, then I set it. Looks like I need a new shortcut for whatever app I was setting it to….smh….love this phone, still

  48. ncmacasl Says:

    According to Phonescoop (https://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=7980&p=3900) “Samsung has preloaded the Sidekick 4G with eight different themes….If you want to set your own wallpapers, you can do that, too.”

    So when is Eddie going to turn on the “Sidekick4GThemes.com” site??

    Can anyone figure out what the optimal pixel size for wallpaper is?? (obviously LARGER than the Sidekick’s screen since the wallpaper scrolls slightly from side-to-side as you move through screens)

    Several sites have done data-dumps of the sidekick android data, includeing the 8 default wallpaper screens. info is probably easily found there.

    Wallpapers will also be a slight challenge since I do not think they rotate with the screen. Therefore, patterns will work best, or a Kaleidoscope.

  49. ncmacasl Says:

    Pixel dimensions: Width: 960 Height: 800

    Seems to prefer .PNG format but seems to also accept .JPG

    Site with Default Wallpapers:


    (different options for downloading Zip File)

  50. ncmacasl Says:

    Google Search for images of that size & Search Terms “sidekick 4g themes|wallpaper”:


    Google Search for images of that size & Search Terms “themes|wallpaper”:


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