Suncom Hiptop Customers get Free T-Mobile Sidekick

Sidekick 2008 White Open

One small detail with the T-Mobile/Suncom transition that is important to all you Hiptop owners is that you’ll need to get a new phone. The Suncom branded Hiptops will apparently not work on the T-Mobile network, so you will need to get a T-Mobile branded Sidekick if you want to continue to use data services. You’ll be able to make/receive calls and send/receive text messages, but no email or web browsing after November 8, 2008. The good news though is that you’ll get a free T-Mobile Sidekick to replace your phone. No word yet on whether or not you’ll get an upgraded phone, but we doubt T-Mobile will replace Sidekick IIs with another Sidekick II, so we’re betting they’ll be handing out Sidekick 2008s. You should receive info from T-Mobile on how to go about getting your new phone soon. Here’s what Suncom’s site says:

Q:What happens to my hiptop®?

A:If you have a hiptop, you have the opportunity to get a new T-Mobile Sidekick® for free. The Sidekick gives you virtually the same functionality as the hiptop, plus a host of exclusive features and content available only through the Sidekick. You should have received a special notification from T-Mobile with instructions on how to get your Sidekick.

So what does that mean? That means this is a great chance to do more than ever before. A few notes: You’ll still be able to make and receive calls, send and receive email, text and picture messages, instant message and browse the mobile Web on your hiptop until November 8, 2008. After that–starting on November 9, 2008–your hiptop will be able to make and receive calls and send and receive text and picture messages only. So upgrade to your new Sidekick before November 8.

29 Responses to “Suncom Hiptop Customers get Free T-Mobile Sidekick”

  1. carlos Says:

    So wat if you have a sidekick lx can u upgrade it for free?

  2. carlos Says:

    So wat if you have a sidekick lx can u upgrade it for free? For the 2008

  3. Dzone Says:

    how about sending in my Fido Hiptop 2 jejeje
    would that be nice.

  4. Zman Says:

    Is there a site to download thems for the 2008

  5. admin Says:


  6. chi-town_king Says:

    carlos on September 9, 2008 at 10:54 pm said:

    So wat if you have a sidekick lx can u upgrade it for free?

    no.its for suncom customers with a sidekick 2 or 3 only.

  7. Rich Says:

    i already have the sidekick 2008 how will this affect me?

  8. margaret hilbourn Says:

    Please you send my free sidekick 2008
    I had old sidekick 2 on 2005 . I want replace new sidekick . Thanks

  9. kick addict Says:

    how old is the person above me ?

  10. dafirremann Says:

    I have a sidekick ID that’s dat mean I’m entitled to a new sidekick?? If so how do I go about getting a new sidekick?

  11. dafirremann Says:

    I have a sidekick ID does dat mean I’m entitled to a new sidekick?? If so how do I go about gettin a new one??

  12. Anonymous Says:

    @kick addict,

    who care ?

    @Mrs.margaret hilbourn,

    You shouldn’t reveal your address to the strangers here.

    They will NOT SEND SIDEKICK 2008 to you at all. Please be careful.

    Never ever reveal your address here and you are better off report to HIPTOP3 to delete your address here. It is dangerous. Don’t do that!

  13. AJ Says:

    why they do that?
    after nov 9 no im, website.

    That is sooo crazy for me

  14. boy Says:

    do they still have to pay 20 bucks for the sk data plan?

  15. Orlandito Colucci Says:

    I sure hope not.

    I currently got a SunCom or T-mobile how ever you wanna call it Sony Erricson z500a. It’s real old. I want a Sidekick it’s so fierce. I’m wantin’ it so bad.

  16. jm Says:

    i just switched and i got a free sidekick 2008 but you have to change you data plan from suncom to tmobile

  17. wontsay Says:

    ok so tmobile bought out suncom so im wondering ….i had a suncom hiptop and you could record your own ringtones so is this going to be avaliable to the sidekick now?

  18. Sidekicker Says:

    I got my free sidekick in From Tmobile last night. Never was a suncom customer, but I had a suncom hiptop. Traded it in, got a sidekick 2008, awesome phone!
    Had to claim i was a suncom customer, and it took an hour on phone and hour in store, but it went over well.

  19. Anonymous Says:

    I have a sidekick slide. And I am now down here in NC they now have Tmobile in the area where I live. I had bought the phone from NewJersey. On my phone it says Suncom… Can I get the new sidekick 08..

    Email me at

  20. Kristina Says:

    ii have a sidekick i.d i got it oct.27.2007
    do i qualify nd how do i know if its suncom?

  21. Kristina Says:

    ii have a sidekick i.d i got it oct.27.2007
    do i qualify nd how do i know if its suncom?

  22. Anonymous Says:

    i dont know

  23. QUAWN`NA BB`yy Says:

    Okayy ii have a sk I’d .
    How do i qualifyy for a sk 2008 .
    Cuhzz i really need one bad .
    It`s bout to be 2009 nd i still got a sk I’d .
    Uhmm tht`s not a good look at all .
    So anyy answers anyy onee ?

  24. travis Says:

    Litter free sidekick 4 need pls new

  25. q Says:

    Sidekick is a good

  26. tay Says:

    hi i want a sidekick 4 free though um…please contat me on my email

  27. Mr. Puerto Rico Says:

    i just got me my side kick 08 my
    shit go lol i love it so much

  28. Anonymous Says:


  29. rosiewatson123 Says:

    i need a sidekick 08 because i see every one with it and im the only one that dont have so please can i have one just one

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